OMEGAMON Data Provider topology

OMEGAMON® Data Provider topology typically consists of one instance of OMEGAMON Data Broker per z/OS® LPAR, with multiple instances of OMEGAMON Data Broker feeding a single instance of OMEGAMON Data Connect.

The following figure shows an example topology with multiple instances of OMEGAMON Data Broker sending data to a single instance of OMEGAMON Data Connect:

Figure 1. Example OMEGAMON Data Provider topology
One instance of OMEGAMON Data Broker per LPAR. One instance of OMEGAMON Data Connect.

In this example, OMEGAMON Data Connect runs in a z/OS LPAR that is also running OMEGAMON Data Broker. Alternatively, OMEGAMON Data Connect can run in a z/OS LPAR that is not running OMEGAMON Data Broker, or OMEGAMON Data Connect can run on a different platform, such as a remote, non-mainframe Linux® system.

OMEGAMON Data Broker can forward to multiple instances of OMEGAMON Data Connect

You can configure each instance of OMEGAMON Data Broker to forward data to multiple instances of OMEGAMON Data Connect.

The following figure shows an example topology where each instance of OMEGAMON Data Broker feeds two instances of OMEGAMON Data Connect:

Figure 2. Example topology with separate instances of OMEGAMON Data Connect for production and development
Each instance of OMEGAMON Data Broker can feed one or more instances of OMEGAMON Data Connect.

In this example, one instance of OMEGAMON Data Connect belongs to a production environment while the other instance belongs to a development environment. Configuring OMEGAMON Data Broker to feed both instances of OMEGAMON Data Connect has the following advantages:

  • You can stop, start, and reconfigure the development instance of OMEGAMON Data Connect without interrupting the flow of data to production analytics dashboards.
  • You don't have to drive a separate workload to send data to in-development analytics dashboards. The development environment receives data from the production workload.