Java command line to run OMEGAMON Data Connect
Whichever platform you choose, you can use a Java™ command line to run OMEGAMON® Data Connect.
For example:
java \
-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError \ 1
-Dfile.encoding=ISO8859-1 \ 2
-Dodp.ext=<odp_extensions_paths_list> \ 3
-jar <odp_installation_directory>/lib/odp-server.jar \ 4
--spring.config.additional-location=<odp_user_directory>/config/connect.yaml 5
- 1
- The initial heap size (
) and maximum heap size (-Xmx
) shown here are examples only.The maximum heap size must be large enough to accommodate the OMEGAMON Data Connect queue capacity of each output. In practice, the default queue capacity meets typical requirements and fits within this example maximum heap size.
For more information on setting the heap size, see the advice on how to do heap sizing in the IBM® Semeru Runtime® Certified Edition for z/OS® documentation.
- 2
- Setting the file encoding option avoids a potentially inappropriate system default encoding, such as EBCDIC on z/OS.
- 3
- The
runtime option specifies the value of the custom Java system propertyodp.ext
specifies the location of OMEGAMON Data Connect mapping extension JAR files. The value ofodp.ext
is a comma-separated list of directory paths and individual .jar file paths. In the directory paths, OMEGAMON Data Connect looks for files with the extension .jar. OMEGAMON Data Connect does not recurse into subdirectories.Mapping extensions extend OMEGAMON Data Connect to support different types of incoming data. OMEGAMON Data Connect supplies mapping extension JAR files in the lib/ext directory under the installation directory. You can also choose to store mapping extension JAR files in the user directory.
The sample JCL procedure and shell script for running OMEGAMON Data Connect set a default value for
that includes the lib/ext directory under the installation directory and the extensions directory under the user directory:-Dodp.ext=<odp_installation_directory>/lib/ext,\ <odp_user_directory>/extensions
If a mapping extension JAR file for an agent exists in more than one location, then OMEGAMON Data Connect uses the latest version of the file.
- 4
- odp-server.jar is a symbolic link that refers to the OMEGAMON Data Connect core JAR file, odp-server-version.jar.
It is your choice whether to use the symbolic link, which has no version in its file name, or the original file with a version in its name. To avoid updating the command for each version, use the symbolic link.
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- <odp_user_directory>/config/connect.yaml is the location of your site-specific OMEGAMON Data Connect configuration file. To avoid updates to the sample configuration file overwriting your site-specific changes, store your configuration file in a user directory separate from the OMEGAMON Data Connect installation directory.
Platform-specific options
In some cases, on some platforms, you might need to specify additional Java command-line options.
For example, on z/OS, if you use Transport Layer Security
(TLS) with the store type JCERACFKS
to specify a RACF® key ring with the safkeyring
protocol, then you need to ensure that the
Java virtual machine (JVM) includes the IBMZSecurity provider
to handle that protocol. You can include the IBMZSecurity provider by specifying the following
command-line option: