OMEGAMON Data Connect configuration parameters

OMEGAMON Data Connect configuration parameters identify inputs, such as the TCP port on which to listen for data from OMEGAMON Data Broker, and outputs, such as destination analytics platforms. You can filter which data to output.

Figure 1. OMEGAMON Data Connect configuration points: input from OMEGAMON Data Broker and various outputs
OMEGAMON Data Connect receives data from OMEGAMON Data Broker, and then forwards that data to various outputs


The OMEGAMON Data Connect configuration file, connect.yaml, is a YAML document. OMEGAMON Data Connect configuration parameters and their values conform to YAML syntax.

Here is the high-level structure of the document. Lower-level structures are indicated by placeholder labels inside angle brackets (< >):

  <Connect-specific parameters>

# Common Spring Boot application properties

server: # Optional
  <Spring Boot server properties>

logging: # Optional
  <Spring Boot logging properties>
Tip: To check your configuration parameters, use the OMEGAMON Data Provider configuration validator.

connect is the parent key for parameters that are specific to OMEGAMON Data Connect.

OMEGAMON Data Connect is a Java™ application developed using the Spring Boot framework. In addition to Connect-specific parameters, the OMEGAMON Data Connect configuration file can also specify common Spring Boot properties. The following keys set common Spring Boot properties that are particularly relevant to OMEGAMON Data Connect:

The parent key for Spring Boot server properties.
The parent key for Spring Boot logging properties.

For more details on common Spring Boot properties, see the Spring Boot documentation on common application properties.

Terminology: parameter versus property

In the context of OMEGAMON Data Connect, the terms parameter and property are interchangeable synonyms. In general, OMEGAMON Data Provider uses the term configuration parameter or just parameter across all components, whereas Spring Boot uses the term property. For consistency with Spring Boot documentation, for artifacts that are already defined by Spring Boot, OMEGAMON Data Provider documentation uses the term property.

Character encoding

The configuration file must be encoded in UTF-8.

If the file is not valid UTF-8, then OMEGAMON Data Connect reports the error java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException and stops.


OMEGAMON Data Connect configuration parameters are stored in a config/connect.yaml file in an OMEGAMON Data Connect user directory.

A sample configuration file is supplied in config/connect.yaml in the OMEGAMON Data Connect installation directory..

Dot notation for YAML parameters

Some references to YAML configuration parameters use dot notation as a concise method for indicating the parameter hierarchy. Dot notation is not for direct use in the YAML document.

For example, connect.output.prometheus.mappings represents the following YAML hierarchy:


Example: Output to JSON Lines over TCP without SSL/TLS

This example configures OMEGAMON Data Connect with the following behavior:

  • Receive input from OMEGAMON Data Broker over TCP on port 15351 of the local z/OS® host.
  • Send output in JSON Lines format over TCP to a remote host named on which Logstash has been configured to listen on port 5046.
      enabled: true
      hostname: localhost
      port: 15351
      enabled: true
          port: 5046

For more examples, including secure (SSL/TLS) configuration examples, see the topics on each input and output method.