OMEGAMON attributes not arriving at OMEGAMON Data Broker or PDS


The address space where an OMEGAMON® collection task is running (typically, the monitoring agent address space) is missing one or both of the following expected messages for a table (attribute group):
Reports that the collection task has written attributes to the OMEGAMON persistent data store (PDS).
Reports that the collection task has sent attributes to OMEGAMON Data Broker.


  • The historical data collection for this table might not be correctly configured in OMEGAMON.
  • The table might not be correctly specified in the OMEGAMON Data Provider collection configuration member, RKANPARU(KAYOPEN).
  • The monitoring agent might require additional configuration to collect this table.

Resolving the problem

  1. Check that the historical data collection for this table has been created and activated (distributed).
  2. Check that there is a corresponding entry in RKANPARU(KAYOPEN) for this table. Check that the entry selects the collection interval specified for the collection.
  3. Check whether the monitoring agent requires additional configuration to collect this table. For details, see the monitoring agent documentation.

    Some examples (not comprehensive):

    To collect bottleneck analysis data, you need to start internal bottleneck collection. Either set the configuration parameter BOTTLENECK_ANALYSIS to AUTO or use a command or user interface to manually activate collection.
    IBM® OMEGAMON for Messaging on z/OS®
    For some tables, you need to set the configuration parameter KMQ_HISTCOLL_DATA_FLAG to YES.
    IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for Networks
    To collect z/OS Encryption Readiness Technology (zERT) data, you need to set the configuration parameter KN3_TCP_ZERT to Y.
  4. If the issue is not resolved, contact IBM Software Support.