Configuring OMEGAMON Data Broker using the server supplied
with OMEGAMON Data Provider
Configuring OMEGAMON Data Broker using the server
supplied with OMEGAMON Data Provider is the best and easiest choice
for most users.
Before you begin
You need to know the location of the TKANMODP and
TKANSAM libraries that were installed by the product offering that contains
OMEGAMON Data Provider.
About this task
OMEGAMON Data Broker involves the following load modules, all of
which are supplied in the TKANMODP library:
Zowe™ cross-memory server. The same load module is supplied
with Zowe as SZWEAUTH(ZWESIS01).
ZISDYNAMIC, the dynamic linkage base plug-in for the Zowe
cross-memory server. This plug-in is required by OMEGAMON Data Broker. The same load module is supplied with Zowe as
OMEGAMON Data Broker, a plug-in for the Zowe cross-memory server.
A load module used by OMEGAMON Data Broker.
Configuring OMEGAMON Data Broker involves the following sample
members supplied in the TKANSAM library:
JCL procedure that runs the Zowe cross-memory server. This
member is required only if you decide to configure a new server.
Zowe cross-memory server configuration member that
contains OMEGAMON Data Broker configuration parameters.
Modify the z/OS®
MVS program properties table (PPT) to make the Zowe cross-memory server load module KAYSIS01
run in key 4 and be non-swappable.
Edit the PPT definition member
Add the following
Modify the PPT.
Example MVS system
Ensure that the TKANMODP library is APF-authorized.
Depending on which product offering you installed that contains OMEGAMON Data Provider, and how you configured that software, the
TKANMODP library might already be APF-authorized.
To check whether the library is APF-authorized, enter the following MVS system command:
where omegamon_hlq represents the high-level qualifiers of
the TKANMODP library.
To dynamically add the SMS-managed library to the APF list, enter:
Copy the sample Zowe cross-memory server startup
JCL procedure TKANSAM(KAYSIS01) to your choice of PROCLIB
library. For example, your site-specific library for user procedures, or the system procedure
library, SYS1.PROCLIB.
Edit the new copy of the JCL procedure, PROCLIB(KAYSIS01).
Figure 1. JCL procedure that starts the Zowe cross-memory server,
The supplied sample JCL procedure specifies the name of the Zowe cross-memory server as ODP_BROKER. You only need to change the name if
you run more than one instance of the server on the same instance of z/OS.
The MEM parameter specifies the last two characters of
the Zowe cross-memory server PARMLIB
member name, ppppIPxx, where
pppp is the first four characters of the Zowe cross-memory server load module name. The default
MEM value is 00. Given the server load module name
KAYSIS01 and MEM value 00, then the
PARMLIB member name matches the supplied sample, KAYSIP00.
You only need to change the MEM value if you have different versions of this member
in the same PARMLIB library.
Edit the STEPLIB DD statement to refer to the TKANMODP
library on your system.
Data sets in this STEPLIB concatenation must be a partitioned data set
extended (PDSE), not a PDS. TKANMODP is a PDSE.
Data sets in this STEPLIB concatenation must be APF-authorized.
Use a STEPLIB DD statement to identify the location of the Zowe cross-memory server load library, so that the job refers to
the appropriate specific version of the software. Do not add the load library to the system
The Zowe cross-memory server loads itself into the link
pack area (LPA) so that it can use PC-cp services (program call in the user's primary address
Either edit the PARMLIB DD statement to refer to the library containing the
Zowe cross-memory server configuration member or, if you
copied that member to the system PARMLIB, remove this statement. The low-level
qualifier PARMLIB in the example dsname reflects a typical convention, not a
requirement. It is your choice where to store this configuration member.
Define a resource profile to control the security of the
started task that will use the PROCLIB(KAYSIS01) procedure.
The user that you associate with the started task must have an OMVS segment.
Example RACF® commands:
Replace the parameter values in this example with values that reflect your site-specific
practices for started tasks.
Copy the sample Zowe cross-memory server
configuration member TKANSAM(KAYSIP00) to your choice of
PARMLIB library. For example, your site-specific library for user parameter
members, or the system parameter library, SYS1.PARMLIB.
Edit the new copy of the configuration member,
The following listing shows a minimal complete set of required parameters:
Hostname or IP address of the OMEGAMON Data Connect instance
that is listening for data from OMEGAMON Data Broker.
In the
context of the OMEGAMON Data Broker forwarder, OMEGAMON Data Connect is a sink: a destination.
If you
plan to run OMEGAMON Data Connect on the same z/OS instance as OMEGAMON Data Broker, then you
can specify the value localhost or the local loopback IP address. The typical local
loopback IPv4 address is
The port on which OMEGAMON Data Connect is listening. Follow
your site-specific standards for assigning port numbers.
For details of other OMEGAMON Data Broker parameters, such as
parameters for a secure (SSL/TLS) connection to OMEGAMON Data Connect, see OMEGAMON Data Broker configuration parameters.
Later, when you start the Zowe cross-memory server, the
server will load the OMEGAMON Data Broker plug-in, and OMEGAMON Data Broker will connect to OMEGAMON Data Connect.