KAYBN004E Forwarder forwarder_id: Connection could not be established: description: function: rc=decimal_rc(hex_rc)
OMEGAMON® Data Broker attempted to send data to OMEGAMON Data Connect, but failed because a connection was refused or the host was unreachable.Some common reasons:
- OMEGAMON Data Connect is not running.
- One or both of the OMEGAMON Data Broker configuration
parameters for specifying the host and port on which OMEGAMON Data Connect is listening,
, are incorrect.
Tip: If the message includes an
value, use the z/OS® command bpxmtext to display a
corresponding description. For example, if the message includes errno2=0x769F0442,
then enter:bpxmtext 769F0442
The return code is from the function that attempted to establish the connection. The description matches the return code.