KAYBN004E Forwarder forwarder_id: Connection could not be established: description: function: rc=decimal_rc(hex_rc)


OMEGAMON® Data Broker attempted to send data to OMEGAMON Data Connect, but failed because a connection was refused or the host was unreachable.

Some common reasons:

  • OMEGAMON Data Connect is not running.
  • One or both of the OMEGAMON Data Broker configuration parameters for specifying the host and port on which OMEGAMON Data Connect is listening, SINK_HOST and SINK_PORT, are incorrect.
Tip: If the message includes an errno2 value, use the z/OS® command bpxmtext to display a corresponding description. For example, if the message includes errno2=0x769F0442, then enter:

bpxmtext 769F0442

The return code is from the function that attempted to establish the connection. The description matches the return code.

System action

OMEGAMON Data Broker tries to reconnect to the sink.

User response

Use the description, function name, and return code to diagnose the reason for the failure.