KAYB0057E Bad plug-in environment - details
OMEGAMON® Data Broker encountered a problem with ZISDYNAMIC, the dynamic linkage base plug-in of the Zowe™ cross-memory server. OMEGAMON Data Broker requires the dynamic linkage base plug-in.System action
OMEGAMON Data Broker initialization stops. The OMEGAMON Data Broker service will not be available.User response
The appropriate response depends on the details.Typical details:
- bad stub version dl_stub_version (must be >= broker_stub_version)
- Use a more recent version of the dynamic linkage base plug-in.
This version of the dynamic linkage base plug-in is not compatible with OMEGAMON Data Broker.
stub version
refers to the definitions of Zowe cross-memory server internal data structures. The stub version that was used to compile this dynamic linkage base plug-in is earlier than the stub version that was used to compile the OMEGAMON Data Broker plug-in.If you are using the Zowe cross-memory server supplied with OMEGAMON Data Provider, then ensure that you are using the server load module, dynamic linkage base plug-in, and OMEGAMON Data Broker plug-in that were all supplied with the same APAR level of OMEGAMON Data Provider.
Otherwise, if you are running OMEGAMON Data Broker in a Zowe cross-memory server in a separate installation of Zowe, then check that the Zowe version is compatible with OMEGAMON Data Broker. OMEGAMON Data Broker requires a server from Zowe 3.0.0 or any later 3.x.x.
- dynamic linkage vector is NULL
- Check that you have registered the dynamic linkage base plug-in, ZISDYNAMIC, in the Zowe cross-memory server configuration member. For details, see OMEGAMON Data Broker configuration parameters.
If you cannot resolve the issue, contact IBM® Software Support.