Fields introduced by OMEGAMON Data Connect

OMEGAMON® Data Connect introduces fields that do not correspond to OMEGAMON attributes.

Common fields

OMEGAMON Data Connect introduces the following common field to data from all OMEGAMON monitoring agents:

The collection interval of the historical collection, in seconds.

OMEGAMON Data Connect introduces the following common fields to data from all data sources, not just data from OMEGAMON monitoring agents:

The 3-character kpp product code of the monitoring agent that owns the table.
The concise table name corresponding to the longer, multi-word attribute group name typically presented in OMEGAMON product documentation and user interfaces.
An integer representing the table schema version.
Timestamp when the data was created on z/OS® by the OMEGAMON collection task, before it was forwarded to OMEGAMON Data Broker.

For descriptions of the values of the common fields product_code, table_name, and write_time for other data sources, see the separate documentation for that software.

km5: z/OS monitoring agent

OMEGAMON Data Connect introduces the following fields to data from IBM Z® OMEGAMON AI for z/OS:

The SMF ID of the z/OS LPAR from which these attributes were collected.

The smf_id field is included only for tables that contain LPAR-specific attributes. If the table contains sysplex-wide attributes, then there is no smf_id field.

If smf_id already exists as an attribute in a table, then OMEGAMON Data Connect does nothing: the output contains the original field value.

The z/OS sysplex from which these attributes were collected.

If sysplex_name already exists as an attribute in a table, then OMEGAMON Data Connect does nothing: the output contains the original field value.

kd5: Db2 monitoring agent

OMEGAMON Data Connect introduces the following fields to data from IBM® OMEGAMON for Db2® Performance Expert on z/OS:

The Db2 subsystem ID from which these attributes were collected, derived from the originnode attribute value.
The MVS ID of the z/OS LPAR from which these attributes were collected, derived from the originnode attribute value.

ks3: Storage monitoring agent

OMEGAMON Data Connect introduces the following field to data from IBM Z OMEGAMON AI for Storage:

The SMF ID of the z/OS LPAR from which these attributes were collected.

If smf_id already exists as an attribute in a table, then OMEGAMON Data Connect does nothing: the output contains the original field value.