Logging on to Performance Warehouse

You log on to a Performance Warehouse by connecting to its Performance Warehouse database.

You can log on to Performance Warehouse automatically or manually:
  • You can automatically log on to a Performance Warehouse associated with a Db2® subsystem. You can associate a Performance Warehouse with a Db2 subsystem when defining the Db2 subsystem for monitoring from Performance Expert Client (see step 7) or when changing the properties of the Db2 subsystem (see Changing the properties of a Db2 subsystem).
  • You can manually log on to an associated Performance Warehouse or to any Performance Warehouse that was configured. When you log on manually the Db2 subsystem that it is associated with, the database need not exist any more. If you removed the associated Db2 subsystem from the System Overview window but kept the Db2 catalog entries, you can still work with Performance Warehouse.

If you log on to a Performance Warehouse database that is maintained by an OMEGAMON® Collector that is not running, you can define processes, rules of thumb, and queries but you cannot run them.