Switching among Db2 subsystems and data sharing group members
It is often necessary to monitor a subsystem that is different from the one you specified when you logged on to the Classic Interface Realtime Monitor.
Several panels in the Classic Interface are enabled to switch the subsystem, the member of a data
sharing group, or even a data sharing group without the necessity for leaving the Classic
interface for a re-logon to a different subsystem. On panels that are enabled for switching, the
top row provides a slightly modified layout, with two fields serving as input fields. The
following Thread Activity panel is an example. The two fields of interest are emphasized for the
________________ ZALLT VTM O2 V550.#P DA41 S 11/04/16 8:58:46 2
> Help PF1 Back PF3 Up PF7 Down PF8 Sort PF10 Zoom PF11
> T.A
> Thread Activity: Enter a selection letter on the top line.
> *-All-Idle B-TSO C-CICS D-IMS E-Background F-Dist Allied
> G-Dist DBAC H-Util I-Inact J-Filter K-Functions L-Stored Proc
> M-Triggers N-Sysplex O-Enclaves P-Worksta Q-All+Idle
> Threads Summary Excluding Idle Threads
+ *
+ Elapsed Planname CPU Status GetPg Update Commit CORRID/JOBN
+ ---------- -------- ----- ------------ ------ ------ ------ ------------
+ 04-18:15 KO2PLAN 00.0% NOT-IN-DB2 0 0 0 DA41DM52
+ 04-18:15 KO2PLAN 00.0% NOT-IN-DB2 354 0 7 DA41DM52
+ 04-18:14 KO2PLAN 00.0% NOT-IN-DB2 0 0 0 DA41DM52
+ 03-15:25 KO2PLAN 00.0% NOT-IN-DB2 0 0 0 DA41DMBS
+ 03-15:25 KO2PLAN 00.0% NOT-IN-DB2 0 0 0 DA41DMBS
+ 00:01:38.6 KO2PLAN 00.0% NOT-IN-DB2 0 0 0 DA41DMGS
+ 00:01:38.5 KO2PLAN 00.0% NOT-IN-DB2 103 0 7 DA41DMGS
Meanings and usages of the input fields
The field showing the currently monitored Db2 subsystem
(here DA41
) allows for switching to a different subsystem by entering a different
Db2 subsystem name.
The accompanying indicator shows S
for a single DB2® subsystem or a member of a data sharing group, or G
for a data sharing
Invalid Db2 subsystem or data sharing group names cause an error message.
The 3270 Tab key can be used to navigate the cursor from the command area to the Db2 subsystem field.
If a panel is not enabled for switching, both fields serve as display fields. No input is possible.