New parameters

OMEGAMON for Db2® Performance Expert 5.5.0 introduces new parameters that simplify configuration for Classic Near-Term History VSAM and static sequential data sets.

In addition, the existing real-time options parameter NTHDB2I is exposed as a formal parameter KD2_OMPE_OPTS_NTHDB2I.

NTH Collector Db2 initialization option

The following parameter controls the behavior of the NTH collection task during startup:

Db2 Version 13

If you want to configure a Db2 13 subsystem, specify the data set in which the Db2 version 13 LOADLIB and RUNLIB modules reside.

Near-Term History Classic VSAM file definition

Beginning with 5.5.0, you can specify the number of VSAM data sets to allocate by using KD2_PFnn_HIS_LOG_NUM in the respective monitoring profile. You can customize the allocation attributes for all data sets by using the existing parameters KD2_PFnn_HIS_VSAM_SU and KD2_PFnn_HIS_VSAM_MB accordingly. Additionally, you can use the following storage allocation parameters for all data sets as specified in KD2_PFnn_HIS_LOG_NUM:
Note: The KD2_PFnn_HIS_LOG_NUM parameter replaces all instances of KD2_PFnn_HIS_LOG<i>. For information, see Deprecated parameters.
The Classic Near-Term History VSAM low-level qualifier (LLQ) in 5.5.0 changed to accommodate a number of data sets greater than 99 as specified by the KD2_PFnn_HIS_LOG_NUM parameter.
  • Old VSAM LLQ (for 5.4.0 and earlier versions): RKD2VSxx
  • New VSAM LLQ: RKD2Vxxx
Allocation of the 5.5.0 VSAM data sets is completed entirely by Configuration Manager (or PARMGEN) using the following pattern:

If parameter KD2_OMPE_VSAM_DSHLQ is set, this parameter is used as the High-Level Qualifier (HLQ) for the VSAM data set. If not set, the default HLQ name is the concatenation of parameter values for HLQ RTE_VSAM_HILEV and RTE_NAME. In all cases, the value %DB% is derived from the Db2 monitoring definition parameter KD2_DBxx_DB2_SSID.

The following parameters are introduced in APAR OA66051:
  • For Classic Near-Term History:
  • For Enhanced 3270 Thread History:
For information about using these parameters, see the following topics:

Near-Term History Classic Static Sequential file definition

Beginning with 5.5.0, you can specify the number of static sequential data sets to use by specifying parameter KD_PFnn_HIS_SEQ_LOG_NUM in the monitoring profile. If you need to customize allocation attributes, use the following parameters to configure customizations for all allocated data sets:
Note: Parameters KD2_PFnn_HIS_SEQ_PRIMARY_CYL and KD2nn_PF_HIS_SEQ_SECONDARY_CYL are reused accordingly.
  • KD2_PFnn_HIS_SEQ_LOG_NUM replaces KD2_PFnn_HIS_SEQLOG<i>, i = 1...7
  • KD2_PFnn_HIS_SEQ_MCLAS replaces KD2_PFnn_HIS_SEQ_MCLAS<i>, i = 1...7
  • KD2_PFnn_HIS_SEQ_SCLAS replaces KD2_PFnn_HIS_SEQ_SCLAS<i>, i = 1...7
  • KD2_PFnn_HIS_SEQ_UNIT to KD2_PFnn_HIS_SEQ_UNIT<i>, i = 1...7
  • KD2_PFnn_HIS_SEQ_VOLUME to KD2_PFnn_HIS_SEQ_VOLUME<i>, i = 1...7

For explanations of each parameter, find the parameter in Parameters in the OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert on z/OS User's Guide.

For more information about customizing your data set allocations, see How to fully customize your data set allocations.

New Enhanced 3270 Thread History configuration settings (OA66051)

Prior to APAR OA66051, the Enhanced 3270 Thread History VSAM data sets used the KD2_PF_HIS_VSAM_VOLUME1, KD2_PF_HIS_VSAM_SCLAS1, and KD2_PF_HIS_VSAM_MCLAS1 parameters for default allocation attributes. These parameters were also shared with the Classic Near-Term History functionality, which was not optimal for differentiating between the parameters used for Enhanced 3270 Thread History vs Classic Near-Term History.

With APAR OA66051, new parameters are introduced to differentiate the allocation attributes for each function:
  • KD2_PF_THRDHIS_VOLUME (defaults to RTE_SMS_VSAM_VOLUME, if not specified)
  • KD2_PF_THRDHIS_SCLAS (defaults to RTE_SMS_VSAM_STORCLAS, if not specified)
Important: If you are not using the given defaults for the parameters, ensure that the new parameters match the expected values for RKTH* data sets.