Installing the SMP/E

Instructions for installing the SMP/E are in the Program Directory for your product. Also check the PSP bucket for additional information. Ensure you have installed all PTFs available at the time you install.

You can find the Program Directory for your product at Where to find information for OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert.

When installing the SMP/E:
  • Install the latest PTFs for the version of OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert you are updating to.
  • You can use a separate SMP/E CSI zone for the new version of OMEGAMON® for Db2 PE, or you can use the same SMP/E CSI zone for both, the old and the new versions.
    • If using separate SMP/E zones, install the new SMP/E as a new installation shown at SMP/E maintenance and upgrade scenarios.
    • If using the same SMP/E zone, use the instructions in the Program Directory, keeping in mind that the SMP/E control statements of each FMID control acceptance and installation rules.