Verify that thread history data collector is running

This topic describes how to verify that the thread history data collector is running.

Before you begin

To complete this task, the following requirements must be met:
  • The thread history data collector is running.
  • Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent (TEMA) is running.
  • Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS) is running.
  • Tivoli OMEGAMON Manager is running.


  1. From the KOBSEVTS panel, which appears when you log in, select Db2. The active Db2 subsystems are displayed.
  2. Enter R beside the name of the Db2 subsystem you want to verify. Press ENTER. If the thread history data collector is running for the Db2 subsystem you selected, the Thread History Selection panel (KDPHFIL1) is displayed. If the collector is not running, a message indicates that thread history is not active for Db2.
    Note: The R option is also available from KOBSDB2 and KDPSTART.