The Short Record Trace

The short record trace lists selected records from an input data set. It selects and formats nonserviceability data from the user-selected records that appear on other OMEGAMON for Db2® Performance Expert reports.

Use the short record trace to access the Db2 nonserviceability data used by OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert, and to access data not presented in other reports.

Some long records (for example, system statistics) are ignored by the short record trace and some records are shown in abbreviated form.

The short record trace can be used with all the selection options such as INCLUDE and EXCLUDE.

The following command produces the short record trace example shown in Example of the Short Record Trace.
    FROM (,21:54:00)
    TO   (,21:56:00) 

Example of the Short Record Trace

This is an example of a short record trace produced by the previous command:

LOCATION: PMODBE1                          OMEGAMON XE FOR DB2 PERFORMANCE EXPERT (V5R4M0)             PAGE: 1-1                 
      GROUP: DBE1                                  RECORD TRACE - SHORT                         REQUESTED FROM: ALL      21:54:00.00
     MEMBER: SE11                                                                                           TO: DATES    21:56:00.00
  SUBSYSTEM: SE11                                                                                  ACTUAL FROM: 07/15/15 21:54:00.11
DB2 VERSION: V11                                                                                     PAGE DATE: 07/15/15            
PRIMAUTH CONNECT   INSTANCE      END_USER       WS_NAME                       TRANSACT                                              
ORIGAUTH CORRNAME  CONNTYPE      RECORD TIME    DESTNO ACE IFC  DESCRIPTION   DATA                                                  
PLANNAME CORRNMBR                TCB CPU TIME              ID                                                                       
-------- -------- ----------- ----------------- ------ --- --- -------------- ------------------------------------------------------
N/P      N/P      CBA37B3FD9B8 N/P              N/P                           N/P                                                   
N/P      N/P      'BLANK'     21:54:00.11351049  91109   1   1 SYSTEM STATS   NETWORKID:  SE11      LUNAME:  SE11      LUWSEQ:     1
N/P      N/P                  N/P                                             SYSTEM SERVICES STATISTICS                            
                              21:54:03.28092609  91110   1   2 DB STATISTICS  N/P                                                   
                              N/P                                             NETWORKID:  SE11      LUNAME:  SE11      LUWSEQ:     1
                                                                              DATABASE SERVICES STATISTICS                          
SYSOPR   SE11     CBA37B3FD9B8 N/P              N/P                           N/P                                                   
SYSOPR   016.WVSM 'BLANK'     21:54:03.28113166  91111   1 106 SYS PARAMETERS NETWORKID:  SE11      LUNAME:  SE11      LUWSEQ:     1
'BLANK'  T 01                       75.80329233                               SYSTEM PARAMETERS                                     
N/P      N/P      CBA37B3FD9B8 N/P              N/P                           N/P                                                   
N/P      N/P      'BLANK'     21:55:00.30227750  91121   1   1 SYSTEM STATS   NETWORKID:  SE11      LUNAME:  SE11      LUWSEQ:     1
N/P      N/P                  N/P                                             SYSTEM SERVICES STATISTICS                            
                              21:55:00.34404053  91122   1   2 DB STATISTICS  N/P                                                   
                              N/P                                             NETWORKID:  SE11      LUNAME:  SE11      LUWSEQ:     1
                                                                              DATABASE SERVICES STATISTICS                          