RID List failures

RID List failures occur if the RID pool size is constrained.

If the number of times that Db2 failed to allocate storage for RID list processing caused by storage constraints (TERMINATED-NO STORAGE) is not zero, or close to zero, you should reduce the storage size that is used by other structures.

Failures because RDS or Data Manager limits are exceeded (TERMINATED-EXCEED RDS LIMIT and TERMINATED-EXCEED DM LIMIT) are caused by inaccurate or incomplete RUNSTATS statistics or by optimizer errors. Add the clause OPTIMIZE FOR 1 ROW to the SQL statement to avoid RID list processing, or add the necessary columns to the index to make access INDEX ONLY.

If the number of RID list failures caused by storage limits (TERMINATED-EXCEED PROC LIMIT) is not zero, or close to zero, increase the RID pool size.