Enclave Detail Information

This panel provides detailed information about the attributes of a thread running under an individual enclave. This information includes the information provided by the PLAN major command. It also provides information provided by the "enc" minor command.

________________ ZENCLD   VTM     O2       V550.#P DA41 11/05/13 12:08:11   2 
> Help PF1                                                            Back PF3 
>       THREAD INFORMATION:  Enter a selection letter on the top line.         
> U-LONG NAMES                  W-ACCEL ACTIVITY                               
>                         ENCLAVE DETAIL INFORMATION                           
+ Thread:  Plan=DISTSERV  Connid=SERVER   Corrid=db2bp.exe    Authid=MIS       
+ Dist  :  Type=DATABASE ACCESS, Luwid=G99D84D9.C0BF.CC37C54DF5CD=1765         
+ Location  :  ::FFFF:                                            
+ Initial Enclave:                                                             
+ ENCLAVE TOKEN:     8C0000426C          Enclave Type:       Original Indep    
+ Owning System:     PMO4                Owning Job:         DA41DIST          
+ WLM Mode:          Goal                Enclave CPU Time    00:00:03.716      
+ SERVICE PERIOD INFORMATION                                                   
+ Period(s) for Service Class STCCMD:    1                                     
+ Current Period for This Thread:        1                                     
+ Performance Index This Period:            .63                                
+ +----------------------------- Period Number                                 
+ | +--------------------------- Importance                                    
+ | | +------------------------- Duration in Service Units                     
+ | | |     +------------------- Percentile                                    
+ | | |     |    +-------------- Response Time Goal or Velocity                
+ | | |     |    |     +-------- Response Time Unit                            
+ | | |     |    |     |         Goal Description                              
+ - - +---- +--- +---- +-------- -------------------                           
+ 1 3              .40           Velocity Goal                                 
+ SERVICE CLASS INFORMATION                                                    
+ CPU Critical:      No                  Storage Protection: No                
+                    Name                Description                           
+                    --------            --------------------------------      
+ Service Class:     STCCMD              STC, medium priority                  
+ Workload:          STC                 STC                                   
+ Resource Group:    BATCHVEL            Velocity and resptime batch work      
+ Report Class:                                                                
+ WLM APPLICATION ENVIRONMENT                                                  
+ Application Environment Name:          NO WLM ENVIRONMENT                    
+ Description:                                                                 
+ Subsystem Type:                                                              
+ WLM Started Task Procedure Name:                                             
+ Start Parameters:                                                            
+ CLASSIFICATION WORK QUALIFIERS                                               
+ Subsystem Type:    DDF                 Correlation:        db2bp.exe         
+ Proc Name:                             Trans Program Name:                   
+ UserId:            MIS                 Transaction Class:                    
+ Network ID:                            Logical Unit Name:                    
+ Plan Name:         DISTSERV            Package Name:       SQLC2F0A          
+ Connection:        SERVER              Collection:         NULLID            
+ Function Name:     DB2_DRDA            Subsystem Name:     DA41              
+ Accounting Info:   SQL09013NT          Subsystem Parm:     mis               
+ Perform:                               Subsystem Priority: N/A               
+ Scheduling Env:                        Subsys Coll Name:                     
+ Process Name:      db2bp.exe                                                 
+ Performance Index Input Data for Velocity Goal                               
+ Total Usings:        538354            Total Delays:         314798          

The first few lines identify the thread. This information is issued by the PLAN major command. The help panel for the ZTDTL panel contains detailed information about this display. The data displayed by the "enc" minor command is detailed below.

If a remote Db2 is being monitored, enclave information is not available. Message Enclave information not available from remote DB2 is displayed instead of the information following the "enc" minor command.


You can scroll through the information using F7 and F8.

For additional information about:
  • Related topics, select one of the options at the top of the panel.
  • Other topics, use the PF keys.


Thread identifier: This information identifies the thread to which the information in this panel applies.
The Db2 plan name of the active thread.
The Db2 connection identifier of the active thread.
The Db2 correlation identifier of the active thread. If the correlation is not set, N/A is displayed.
The Db2 authorization identifier of the active thread.
Depending on the type of connection, the appropriate information is displayed.
Attach information is displayed only if the thread is a distributed allied thread (not for distributed database access threads).
Connection Type
The MVS jobname and ASID.
Note: For threads from remote Db2, the MVS job name is N/A.
The CICS jobname, task name, task number, terminal ID, and thread type. The thread type is:
The thread in use is a pool thread.
The thread in use is a nonprotected entry thread.
The thread in use is a protected thread. Protected threads are defined in an RCT entry definition using the THRDS operand.
The IMS region number, transaction name, region name, and terminal ID (LTERM).
The MVS job name and ASID.
Note: For threads from remote Db2, the MVS job name is N/A.
The originating Db2 job name and the resource manager that is the source of the thread. An additional line below the Attach line identifies the user thread, if any, being served by the system thread.
The TSO user ID and region ASID.
No additional information.
The Db2 subsystem identifier.
The MVS system identifier.
The original (primary) Db2 authorization identifier of the thread. This field displays only when the original identifier is different from the Authid.
Package identifier: This information identifies the package to which the information in this panel applies.
The Db2 package name of the active thread. Up to 18 characters of the package name are returned.
The package collection identifier. This field is displayed only if a package is being used.
Initial Enclave
After applying the Db2 APARs PM12256 and PM28626 and the z/OS® APAR OA35146, more than one enclave can be used by Db2 for the same Distributed Thread. The initial enclave is shown.
Enclave Token
This is the hexadecimal representation of an 8-byte field. An enclave is an anchor for a transaction that can be spread across multiple dispatchable units in multiple address spaces.
Enclave Type
The enclave type describes the condition of an enclave. An enclave can be of one of the following types:
This enclave is created by IWMECREA. It is a continuation of the transaction for the owning address space.
Original Independent
This enclave is created by IWMECREA. It is an independent transaction.
Foreign Independent
This enclave is created by IWMIMPT. It is a continuation of an independent enclave on another system.
Foreign Dependent
This enclave is created by IWMIMPT. It is a continuation of a dependent enclave on another system.
Inactive Enclave
This enclave is currently in an inactive enclave queue because SRM did not find any work unit that is associated with the enclave. When a work unit joins the enclave, it is moved back to the active queue.
Currently Promoted
This enclave is currently promoted due to a chronic resource contention.
Continuation Independent
This enclave is a continuation of an independent enclave.

Owning System
The originating system for the enclave.
Owning Job
The originating jobname for the enclave
WLM Mode
Goal - Workload manager is monitoring and classifying work. It is periodically adjusting dispatching priorities to meet the service policies (Goals) associated with that work.

Compatibility - Workload manager is monitoring and classifying work. However the dispatching priorities are set according to values in IEAIPSxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB.

Enclave CPU Time
Total CPU time associated with the Enclave.
Service period information: For more information, see Defining Service Classes and Performance Goals in z/OS MVS Planning: Workload Management.
Service Period(s) This Class
A 1-character number ranging from 1 to 8. This is the number of service periods which have been defined for this service class.
Current Period for This Thread
A 1-character number ranging from 1 to 8. This is the current service period definition that is controlling the work.
Performance Index This Period
A number computed to two decimal places.

A Performance Index less than one is an indication that the goal for this service class period is being exceeded. The service class period might be considered as a "donor", giving up CPU or pageable storage for other more important service class periods on the system.

A Performance Index greater than one is an indication that the goal for this service class period is not being met. Depending on the importance, this Service class period might be considered for additional services to meet the defined goal.

Period Number
A 1-character column ranging from 1 to 8.
A 1-character column ranging from 1 to 5. The importance level 1 is most important. This indicates to WLM how important it is to meet this performance period goal.
Duration in Service Units
A numeric column. All defined periods except the last period have a duration. The duration is expressed in service units so as to be portable among different processor speeds. After the work has used the service units defined for that period, WLM switches to the goals defined in the next period.
A numeric percentage column. This column is only valid for a percentile response time goal.
Response Time Goal or Velocity %
A numeric column. This column is only valid for percentile response time goals, average response time goals or velocity goals. For response time goals, this is the time value. For Velocity goals, this is the acceptable amount of delay for work when work is ready to run.
Response Time Unit
A character column. This column contains the time unit that the response time goals are expressed in. Possible values are blank, Millisecs, Seconds, Minutes and Hours.
Goal Description
A character column. This column describes the type of goal set for this service period. Possible values are:
  • Percentile response time goal
  • Average response time goal
  • Velocity goal
  • Discretionary goal
  • System goal
Service class information: For more information, see Defining Service Classes and Performance Goals in z/OS MVS Planning: Workload Management.
CPU Critical
A Yes or No value indicates whether long term CPU protection is assigned to this class.
Storage Protection
A Yes or No value indicates whether long term storage protection is assigned to this class.
Service Class Name
An eight character name for a group of work within a workload having similar performance characteristics.
Service Class Description
A 32-character field that describes the service class.
Workload Name
An 8-character field that contains the name of the workload associated with this service class.
Workload Description
A 32-character field that describes the workload associated with this service class.
Resource Group Name
An 8-character field that contains the name of the resource group associated with this service class.
Resource Group Description
A 32-character field that describes the resource group associated with this service class.
Report Class Name
An 8-character field that contains the name of the report class associated with this service class.
Report Class Description
A 32-character field that describes the report class associated with this Service Class.
WLM application environment:
Application Environment Name
A 32-character field that contains the name assigned to the environment. This name can be the WLM ENVIRONMENT specified as part of the SQL CREATE PROCEDURE syntax.
A 32-character field that describes the WLM ENVIRONMENT
Subsystem Type
For Db2 threads, this value is always DB2.
WLM Started Task Procedure Name
An 8-character field that contains the name of the server address space in which this enclave is executing.
Start Parameters
A 115-character field that contains any parameters to be passed to the stored procedure.
Classification work qualifiers:
Subsystem Type
The primary qualifier used to classify work on the system. Examples are JES, ASCH, OMVS, STC, TSO, and DDF.
A name associated with the user/program creating the work request.
Proc Name
An 18-character field that contains the Db2 stored SQL procedure name associated with the work request.
Trans Program Name
An 8-character field that contains the transaction name for the work request, as known by the work manager.
An 8-character field that contains the User ID associated with the work request.
Transaction Class
An 8-character field that contains a class name within a subsystem. This can be any meaningful value that the installation can recognize and specify to match the value presented by the work manager.
Network ID
An 8-character field that contains the network identifier associated with the requestor.
Logical Unit Name
An 8-character field that contains the local LU name associated with the requestor.
Plan Name
An 8-character field that contains the Db2 plan name associated with the requestor.
Package Name
An 8-character field that contains the Db2 package name associated with the requestor.
An 8-character field that contains the connection type associated with the requestor.
An 18-character field that contains the collection name associated with the requestor.
Function Name
An 8-character field that contains the function name associated with the requestor.
Subsystem Name
An 8-character field that contains the subsystem name associated with the requestor.
Accounting Info
The first sixteen characters passed as accounting information on the batch jobcard.
Subsystem Parm
The first sixteen characters passed as a subsystem parameter. This is site defined information.
An eight-character field that contains the performance group number (PGN) associated with the request. The number can be 1 - 999.
Subsystem Priority
An numeric field that contains the priority associated with the request.
Scheduling Env
A 16-character field that contains the scheduling environment associated with the work request.
Subsys Coll Name
An 8-character field that contains the subsystem collection name associated with the request. A subsystem collection is a named group of related subsystem address spaces.
Process Name
A 32-character field that contains the process name associated with the work request.
Performance index input data: Depending on the type of performance goal for the current period, Certain input numbers are used to compute the performance index.
Velocity Goal
Total Usings (U) - This is a sum of the number of times the work for the service class period is allowed to use WLM managed resources.

Total Delays (D) - This is a sum of the number of times the work for the service class period is delayed for lack of WLM managed resources.

The formula for Actual Velocity (V) is:

V = U / U + D

Compute Performance Index (PI) using the goal velocity (G)

PI = G / V

Average Response Time Goal
Completed Trans (C) - This is a count of all completed transactions that have run for this Service Class Period.

Total Elapsed Seconds (T) - This is a sum of the time used to complete the transactions which have run for this Service Class Period.

Average Response Time (A) - A = T / C

Compute Performance Index (PI) using the Goal Response Time (G) - PI = A / G

Percentile Response Time Goal
Percentile Performance Index is found by examining the distribution of response times in the percentage array (PA).

Total Transactions (TT) - TT = Sum(PA)

Compute Goal (G) Using the Goal Percentile (GP) - G = TT * GP

Sum the array again, until you reach or surpass the Goal (G). The corresponding percentage is the Performance Index (PI) to two decimal places.