Display Options For Object Activity Summary And Object Allocation Summary Displays

Use this panel to specify filtering criteria for the output that is displayed in the Object Activity Summary and Object Allocation Summary panels.

You can specify more than one filter option.
________________ ZOJOO    VTM     O2       V550./C DA31 07/24/13 16:55:41   2 
>  Help PF1                                                          Back PF3  
>  O.E                                                                         
>                            DISPLAY OPTIONS FOR                               
+  Following options applied to both displays ;                                
:  DATABASE=________      Filter display output by database name               
+  Following options applied to OBJECT ALLOCATION SUMMARY display              
:  EXTSDSN>_____          Filter display output by extents/dataset ratio       
:  MAXEXTS>_____          "                   " by max extents/dataset         
+  Following options applied to OBJECT ACTIVITY SUMMARY display                
:  PERCGETP>___           Filter display output by % of getpage activity       
:  PERCIO>___             "                   " by % of I/O activity           
:  RATE=___               Display activity rates or counts (yes/no)            


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Type a database name (maximum 8 characters) if you want to limit the displayed information to a particular database or group of databases.

You can specify a wildcard by typing a question mark (?), or you can use an asterisk (*) for generic filtering. For example, DSNDB* would select all databases that begin with DSNDB, and DSN??06 would select all databases that begin with DSN, end with 06, and have any two characters in between.

If you want to display object allocation information that applies only to databases with more than n extents per data set, enter a number that is greater than 0.
If you want to display object allocation information that applies only to databases with data sets containing more than n total extents, enter a number that is greater than 0.
If you want to display object activity information that applies only to databases with a percentage of total Getpages that is greater than n, enter a number from 0 to 100.
If you want to display object activity information that applies only to databases with a percentage of total I/O that is greater than n, enter a number from 0 to 100.
If you want to display object activity information as rates rather than counts, enter YES. The default is NO. Rates are calculated dividing each count field by the interval elapsed time.