This panel provides information about the CICS® resource control table (RCT) entry definition selected from the CICS RCT Summary panel.
The output includes RCT entry parameters in use, thread information, and miscellaneous statistics.
________________ ZCICTRD VTM O2 V550.#P SE12 11/05/13 12:31:34 2
> Help PF1 Back PF3 Up PF7 Down PF8
+ CICS=CICSPO42 (Release 7.3.0 )
+ Transaction ID (TXID) = N044
+ DB2ENTRY Name = N044ENT Plan Name (PLAN) = NPGM044
+ Thread TCB Prty (DPMODE) = High Plan Alloc Exit (PLNEXIT) = N/A
+ Rollbck on Deadlok (ROLBE) = Yes Thread Wait (TWAIT) = Yes
+ DB2 Accounting Reason = TXID AUTHID =
+ Thread Limit (THRDA) = 5 Prot Thread Limit (THRDS) = 5
+ Authorization Opt. (AUTH) = UserID
+ Statistics Information
+ Count of Calls = 97 Current Free TCBs = 0
+ Count of Commits = 0 Current Active TCBs = 0
+ Count of Authorizations = 1 Current Total TCB Time = .000
+ Count of Aborts = 0 Current Active Thread = 0
+ Count of RO Commits = 6 HighWater Active Thread = 1
+ Count of Waits/Ovflw Pool = 0 Current Waits/Ovflw Pool = 0
+ Count of Tasks = 6 Current Protected Thread = 1
+ Count of Partial SignOns = 0 HighWater Protected Thread= 1
+ Count of Thread Terminates = 4 Current ReadyQue Thread = 0
+ Count of Thread Creates = 5 HighWater ReadyQue Thread = 0
+ Count of Thread Reuse = 1 Current User Request = 0
+ Count of Thread Limit Hits = 0 HighWater User Request = 1
For additional information about other topics, use the PF keys.
- The CICS job name and the release number of
the CICS system.
- 7.1.0 for CICS Transaction Server 5.4
- For CICS Transaction Server 5.4
- 7.2.0 for CICS Transaction Server 5.5
- For CICS Transaction Server 5.5
- 7.3.0 for CICS Transaction Server 5.6
- For CICS Transaction Server 5.6
- 7.4.0 For CICS Transaction Server 6.1
- For CICS Transaction Server 6.1
- Transaction ID (TXID)
- The transaction IDs of all CICS transactions that are defined in the RCT entry definition being viewed.
- The identifier of the transaction or transaction group being viewed.
- Plan Name (PLAN)
- The name of the plan assigned to the transactions.
- Thread TCB Prty (DPMODE)
- The MVS dispatching priority of thread TCBs relative to the CICS main TCB. Possible values: High or Low.
- Plan Alloc Exit (PLNEXIT)
- The name of the exit program that can dynamically allocate the planname for the transaction ID when the first SQL call is issued.
- Rollbck on Deadlok (ROLBE)
- Determines whether CICS issues a syncpoint rollback when the transaction
experiences an Internal Resource Lock Manager (IRLM)-detected deadlock
or timeout.
- Yes
- CICS will roll back all DB2® work and all CICS-protected resources to the last syncpoint.
- No
- CICS will roll back only the incomplete SQL call that was involved in the deadlock/timeout.
- Thread Wait (TWAIT)
- The action to take if no thread is available to execute a Db2-CICS transaction.
- Pool
- If all threads are in use, Db2 places this transaction in the pool; if all pool threads are in use, Db2 places this transaction in a queue.
- Yes
- If all threads are in use, the transaction waits until a thread is available.
- No
- If all threads are in use, the transaction abends.
- Db2 Accounting Reason
- The reason for Db2 Accounting. Db2 accounting is done by one of the following:
- Account for each unit of work (UOW)
- Account for each task
- Account for each Transaction ID change
- No accounting
- The authorization identifier if used by transaction(s).
- Thread Limit (THRDA)
- The maximum number of active threads for this RCT entry.
- Prot Thread Limit (THRDS)
- The number of MVS TCBs that will be attached (for use by the RCT definition) to the transactions when the attach facility is started.
- Authorization Opt. (AUTH)
- The type of authorization ID required to execute
the Db2 plan for transactions
that are originating from the RCT definition.
- Group
- The group
- A sign-on operator ID
- SignID
- A sign-on ID
- Term
- The terminal ID
- TxID
- The transaction ID
- Userid
- The user's sign-on ID
- xxxxxx
- A character string
- *
- Indicates a null value
Statistics information:
- Count of Calls
- The number of Db2 calls generated by the transactions since the CICS-Db2 attach was started.
- Current Free TCBs
- The number of currently free task control blocks (TCBs) to be reconnected with threads.
- Count of Commits
- The number of Commits completed since the attach facility was started.
- Current Active TCBs
- The number of currently active threads.
- Count of Authorizations
- The number of times authorization has been invoked for the threads defined to the transactions.
- Current Total TCB Time
- The CP time (in seconds) used by currently active threads. This time represents CP time only and does not include zIIP time.
- Count of Aborts
- The number of aborts experienced by the transactions since the attach facility was started.
- Current Active Threads
- The number of transactions that are currently active in Db2 or are waiting for a thread (TWAIT=YES).
- Count of RO Commits
- The number of read-only Commits since the attach facility was started.
- Highwater Active Thread
- The high-water mark of active threads.
- Count of Waits/Ovflw Pool
- The number of transactions that are waiting for a thread, or that have overflowed into the pool.
- Current Waits/Ovflw Pool
- The number of times that all available threads for the entry were busy, and the transaction had to wait or be diverted to the pool. This condition depends on the setting of the Thread Wait (TWAIT) field.
- Count of Tasks
- The total number of tasks using this DB2ENTRY.
- Current Protected Thread
- The currently protected thread count.
- Count of Partial SignOns
- The total count of signons.
- Highwater Protected Thread
- The high-water mark of protected threads.
- Count of Thread Terminates
- The number of times a thread terminated.
- Current ReadyQue Thread
- The number of threads waiting to be executed.
- Count of Thread Creates
- The number of times a thread is created.
- Highwater ReadyQue Thread
- High-water mark of threads waiting to be executed.
- Count of Thread Reuse
- The number of times CICS transactions using the DB2ENTRY were able to reuse an already created Db2 thread.
- Current User Request
- The total count of user requests.
- Count of Thread Limit Hits
- The number of times the thread reuse limit is hit.
- Highwater User Request
- High-water mark of user requests.