Profile ID
- Description
Specify the ID of the monitoring profile that should be associated with this DB2 subsystem.
- Required or optional
- Required
- Default value
- P001
- Location where the parameter value is stored
- In the DB2PROF member of the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKD2PRF library
- Output line
- In the Configuration Tool (ICAT)
- Panel 1
- Panel name
- DB2 Subsystem Monitoring Configuration
- Panel ID
- KD261P9
- Panel field
- Profid
- Panel 2
- Panel name
- DB2 Subsystem Monitoring Configuration
- Panel ID
- KD261P9A
- Panel field
- Profid
- Default value
- P001
- Batch parameter name
- PARMGEN name
- PARMGEN classification
- DB2