Enabling Db2 Query Monitor in the E3270UI

You can integrate the OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User Interface with IBM Db2 Query Monitor for z/OS.

Before you begin

When you configure OMEGAMON for Db2® Performance Expert using either Configuration Manager or PARMGEN, the following OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User Interface integration data sets are allocated:


You can use the LPAR RTE parameter RTE_XKAN_HILEV to override the default high-level qualifier rHilev.&SYSPLEX. with alternate Tivoli OMEGAMON (TOM) data sets for other integration products that deliver work spaces and other E3270UI support elements.

  • Specify the same HLQ for other RTEs that report to the same TOM in order to share the same XKAN* data sets.
  • The configuration method allocation jobs automatically append the XKAN* low-level suffix to this HLQ.

The following XKAN* data sets are concatenated in the respective E3270UI PGDXTOM started task DDNAMEs automatically:

VIEW    rHilev.rte_name.xKANSAMU(PGDXTOM)
        Command ===>
        //* TOM workspace definitions:
        //         DSN=&RHILEV..&SYS..UKANWENU
        //         DD DISP=SHR,
        //         DSN=&BASEHLEV.KANWENU
        //         DD DISP=SHR,
        //         DSN=TDCIT.DB2.RSPLEX0K.XKANWENU
        //* TOM help definitions:
        //         DSN=&RHILEV..&SYS..UKANHENU
        //         DD DISP=SHR,
        //         DSN=&BASEHLEV.KANHENU
        //         DD DISP=SHR,
        //         DSN=TDCIT.DB2.RSPLEX0K.XKANHENU
        //* TOM standard REXX libraries:
        //         DSN=&RHILEV..&SYS..UKANEXEC
        //         DD DISP=SHR,
        //         DSN=&BASEHLEV.KANEXEC
        //         DD DISP=SHR,
        //         DSN=TDCIT.DB2.RSPLEX0K.XKANEXEC


  1. To use the embedded data feature of the E3270UI to view more detailed information about the currently executing SQL statement, you must install application support files for Db2 Query Monitor.

    To enable the Db2 Query Monitor integration with the E3270UI, refer to the Db2 Query Monitor PTF that provides the E3270UI integration. Db2 Query Monitor provides the detailed HOLDDATA information to populate the rHilev.RSPLEX0K.XKAN* data sets and other enablement steps.

    The following sample copy job is provided:

    • rHilev.rte_name.RKANSAMU(KOBXKNCP)
  2. Review the RKANSAMU(KOBXKNCP) job and customize it to specify the XKAN* source data sets from which to copy the E3270UI SMP/E elements.
  3. Submit the customized job in the RTE in which the E3270UI is configured. If the E3270UI reports to a z/OS-based Hub TEMS, submit the job in the RTE where the z/OS Hub TEMS is configured, if it is not the same local LPAR RTE where the E3270UI is configured.