Subsystem Management Situations
Use the series of predefined situations associated with the Subsystem Management workspace to begin monitoring your system immediately or as templates for creating your own situations.
The names, descriptions, logic, and threshold values for the situations follow.
KD5_DBAT_Wait_Warning indicates the percentage
of DBAT (Database Access Thread) that has to wait because MAXDBAT
exceeded the threshold. A critical condition is detected when the
percentage of active background connections to DBAT_Wait reaches 0%.
The situation's formula is:
DB2_System_States.DB_Wait_Percent GE 0
KD5_DSMAX_Approach_Max_Warning indicates
when the maximum percentage of open data sets exceeded the threshold.
A critical condition is detected when the percentage of open data
sets to DSMAX is approaching 80%. The situation's formula is:
DB2_System_States.DSMAX_Approaching_Max GE 80.0
KDP_IDBK_Critical monitors how close Db2 is to the maximum background connections allowed.
A critical condition is detected when the percentage of active background connections to IDBACK
reaches 90%. The situation's formula is:
KDP_SRM_Subsystem.Background_Utilization GE 90.0
KDP_IDBK_Warning monitors how close Db2 is to the maximum background connections allowed.
A warning condition is detected when the percentage of active background connections to IDBACK
is in the range of 72% to 90%. The situation's formula is:
KDP_SRM_Subsystem.Background_Utilization GE 72.0
KDP_SRM_Subsystem.Background_Utilization LT 90.0
KDP_IDFR_Critical provides information about how close Db2 is to the maximum foreground
connections allowed. A critical condition is detected when the percentage of active foreground
connections to IDFORE reaches 85%. The situation's formula is:
KDP_SRM_Subsystem.Foreground_Utilization GE 85.0
KDP_IDFR_Warning provides information about how close Db2 is to the maximum foreground
connections allowed. A warning condition is detected when the percentage of active foreground
connections to IDFORE is in the range of 68% to 85%. The situation's formula is:
KDP_SRM_Subsystem.Foreground_Utilization GE 68.0
KDP_SRM_Subsystem.Foreground_Utilization LT 85.0
KD5_LOCK_ESCAL_EXCL_Warning indicates
when the number of times lock escalation exclusive happened exceeded
the threshold. A warning condition is detected when the number of
count of lock escalations to exclusive mode is greater than 20. The
situation's formula is:
DB2_System_States.Lock_Escalation_Excl GE 20.0
KD5_RID_Fallback_Warning indicates when the
number of times RID Pool fallback exceeded the threshold. A warning
condition is detected when the number of times RID fallback is greater
than 20. The situation's formula is:
DB2_System_States.RIDPool_Fail_No_Storage GE 20
KD5_CONDBAT_Appr_Max_Warning indicates
that the number of DBAT connections is approaching DSNZPARM CONDBAT.
If this condition is detected, make sure CONDBAT is defined accurately
for remote connections. The situation's formula is:
DB2_SRM_Subsystem.DBAT_Conn_Utilization GE 70