Db2 Connect Server Situations
Use the series of predefined situations associated with the Db2 Connect Server workspace to begin monitoring your system immediately or as templates for creating your own situations.
The names, descriptions, logic, and threshold values for the situations follow.
KD5_Max_Agent_Overflows_Warning monitors
the number of times that the Maximum Agent Overflows exceeds the threshold.
A warning condition is detected when the system receives a number
of requests to create a new agent after the MAXAGENTS configuration
parameter has already been reached. This can indicate too high a workload
for this node or that the MAXAGENTS configuration parameter is too
small. The situation's formula is:
*VALUE DB2_CONNECT_SERVER.Maximum_Agent_Overflows *GE 20"
KD5_Max_Agents_Waiting_Warning monitors
the maximum number of agents waiting for a token. A warning condition
is detected when the maximum number of agents waiting for a token
exceeds the threshold. You can use this element to help you evaluate
the MAXCAGENTS configuration parameter. If the MAXCAGENTS parameter
is set to its default value(-1), no agents need to wait for a token
and the value of this monitor element is zero. The situation's formula
*IF *VALUE DB2_CONNECT_SERVER.Maximum_Agents_Waiting *GE 20
KD5_Stolen_Agents_Warning monitors
the number of times that agents are stolen from an application. A
warning condition is detected when the number of agents are stolen
from an application exceeds the threshold. Agents are stolen when
an idle agent associated with an application is reassigned to work
on a different application. Reduce the number of agents stolen by
increasing the NUM_POOLAGENTS configuration parameter. The situation's
formula is:
KD5_CPU_Usage_Per_Process_Warning monitors
the CPU usage percentage for a process. A warning condition is detected
when the CPU usage percentage of a process exceeds the threshold.
The situation's formula is:
KD5_Most_Recent_Stmt_ETIM_Warning monitors
the most recent statement of elapsed time for an application. A warning
condition is detected when the most recent statement of elapsed time
for an application exceeds the threshold. The situation's formula
*IF *VALUE THREAD_DB2_CONNECT_STATEMENT.Most_Recent_Statement_Elapsed_ Time *GE 20
KD5_Fail_Stmt_Percent_Warning monitors
the percent of failed SQL statements for an application. A warning
condition is detected when the failed SQL statement percentage for
an application exceeds the threshold. The situation's formula is:
*IF *VALUE THREAD_DB2_CONNECT_OVERVIEW.Failed_Statement_Percentage *GE 20