Data Sharing Situations
Use the series of predefined situations associated with the Data Sharing workspace to begin monitoring your system immediately or as templates for creating your own situations.
The names, descriptions, logic, and threshold values for the situations follow.
DB2_CF_Connections_Warning monitors
the status of connections to coupling facility and group buffer pool
structures, detecting a warning condition when Connection Status equals
FAIL. Its formula is:
Group_Buffer_Pool_Connections.Connection_Status EQ FAIL
monitors the percent of structures that a coupling facility uses,
detecting a critical condition when Structure Used Percent
is greater than 90%. Its formula is:
Group_Buffer_Pool.Structure_Used_Percent GT 90
monitors the percent of structures that a coupling facility uses,
detecting a warning condition when Structure Used Percent
is in the range of 80 to 90%. Its formula is:
Group_Buffer_Pool.Structure_Used_Percent GT 80
AND Group_Buffer_Pool.Structure_Used_Percent GE 90
monitors the status of connections to coupling facility and group
buffer pool structures and automatically issues a message when data
sharing is not active for a DB2 subsystem. To use this situation,
you must replace the user ID with your TSO/E user ID. Its formula
Group_Buffer_Pool_Connections.Connection_Status EQ FAIL, send the following message to user (xxxxxxx):
'Coupling Facility for Group_Buffer_Pool_Connections.
Data_Sharing_Group_Element has failed.'
where: xxxxxxx
be replaced with your TSO/E user ID and a value will be substituted
for the attribute in italicsDB2_CMD_Group_BP_Read_Hit_Warning
monitors the percent of read hits for group buffer pools, and automatically
issues a message when Read_Hit_Percent is in the range of 60
to 80 percent. To use this situation, you must replace the user ID
with your TSO/E user ID. Its formula is:
Group_Buffer_Pool.Read_Hit_Percent GE 60
AND Group_Buffer_Pool.Read_Hit_Percent LT 80,
send the following message to user (xxxxxxx):
'Group Buffer Pool.Read_Hit_Percent Decreasing'
where: xxxxxxx
should be replaced with
your TSO/E user ID and a value will be substituted for the attribute
in italicsDB2_CMD_Lock_Wait_Time_Critical monitors
the lock elapsed time for application threads with a waiter lock status
and automatically issues a message when Lock_Elapsed_Time
is greater than 10 seconds. To use this situation, you must replace
the user ID with your TSO/E user ID. Its formula is:
DB2_Lock_Conflict.Lock_Elapsed_Time GT 10, send the following message to user (xxxxxxxx):
'Thread ID DB2_Lock_Conflict.Plan_Name has reached a critical state'
where: xxxxxxx
be replaced with your TSO/E user ID and a value will be substituted
for the attribute in italicsDB2_CMD_Thrd_Wait_Time_Critical
monitors the thread wait time and automatically issues a message when
Thread_Wait_Time is greater than 10 seconds. To use this situation,
you must replace the user ID with your TSO/E user ID. Its formula
Thread_Detail.Thread_Wait_Time GT 10, send the following message to user (xxxxxxx):
'Thread Thread_Detail.Plan_Name executing over 10 sec'
where: xxxxxxx
be replaced with your TSO/E user ID and a value will be substituted
for the attribute in italicsDB2_Group_BP_Read_Hit_Critical monitors
the percent of read hits for group buffer pools, detecting a critical
condition when Read_Hit_Percent is less than 60%. Its formula
Group_Buffer_Pool.Read_Hit_Percent LT 60
monitors the percent of read hits for group buffer pools, detecting
a warning condition when Read_Hit_Percent is in the range of
60% to 80%. Its formula is:
Group_Buffer_Pool.Read_Hit_Percent GE 60
AND Group_Buffer_Pool.Read_Hit_Percent
LT 80
DB2_Lock_Waiter_Time_Critical monitors
the lock elapsed time for application threads with a waiter lock status,
detecting a critical condition when Lock_Elapsed_Timeis greater
than 10 seconds. Its formula is:
DB2_Lock_Conflict.Lock_Status EQ WAITER
AND DB2_Lock_Conflict.Lock_Elapsed_Time
GT 10
DB2_Lock_Waiter_Time_Warning monitors
the lock elapsed time for application threads with a waiter lock status,
detecting a warning condition when Lock_Elapsed_Time is in
the range of 5 to 10 seconds. Its formula is:
DB2_Lock_Conflict.Lock_Status EQ WAITER
AND DB2_Lock_Conflict.Lock_Elapsed_Time
GT 5
AND DB2_Lock_Conflict.Lock_Elapsed_Time LE 10
monitors the thread wait time, detecting a critical condition when
Thread Wait Time is greater than 10 seconds. Its formula
Thread_Detail.Thread_Wait_Time GT 10
monitors the thread wait time, detecting a warning condition when
Thread Wait Time is in the range of 5 to 10 seconds. Its
formula is:
Thread_Detail.Thread_Wait_Time GT 5
OR Thread_Detail.Thread_Wait_Time LE 10