Distributed Activity Server (Short Report)
This topic shows detailed information about Accounting - Distributed Activity Server (Short Report)
For information on how to calculate total values for multiple lines refer to Distributed Activity Requester (Short Report).
Accounting - Distributed Activity Server (Short Report)
|PMODA11 Db2 V10R1 M5 N/P 1 0 1 2.00 1095.00 1.00 0.154750|
The fields shown in this record block are described below. Db2 field names are shown in brackets next to each report field.
(Exception field) The name of the remote location with which this information is associated. If the local location is the requester, this field is a server location. If the local location is a server location, this field is the requester location. An allied thread is created at a DB2® requester, and a database access thread is created at a Db2 server. An accounting record is for either a requester or a server, but not for both.
This field is invalid if summary rollup data is present. In Accounting this field is set to *ROLSUM*.
The original Db2 field specifies the information in the following field names of the remote requester or server location:
- It consists of 3 characters and can have the following values:
Original ID from Db2 Shown as DSN Db2 ARI SQL/DS QSQ Db2/400 SQL COMMON SERV JCC JDBC DRIVER '000000'X, '404040'X N/P Other Original ID from Db2 Note:- If the record is written at the application requester location, or if summary rollup data is available, N/P is shown in Accounting TRACE and REPORT.
- In Accounting FILE and SAVE DDF tables, BLANK is shown.
- It consists of 5 digits and is shown as VvvRrrMm , where:
- vv
- Version level
- rr
- Release level
- m
- Modification level
Note: For DDF/RRSAF rollup records, the product ID and product version contain a value derived from the last thread to rollup. For query parallelism rollup threads, the value is derived from the parent record. - PRODUCT VERSION [QLACPRID]
The original Db2 field specifies the information in the following field names of the remote requester or server location:
- It consists of 3 characters and can have the following values:
Original ID from Db2 Shown as DSN Db2 ARI SQL/DS QSQ Db2/400 SQL COMMON SERV JCC JDBC DRIVER '000000'X, '404040'X N/P Other Original ID from Db2 Note:- If the record is written at the application requester location, or if summary rollup data is available, N/P is shown in Accounting TRACE and REPORT.
- In Accounting FILE and SAVE DDF tables, BLANK is shown.
- It consists of 5 digits and is shown as VvvRrrMm , where:
- vv
- Version level
- rr
- Release level
- m
- Modification level
Note: For DDF/RRSAF rollup records, the product ID and product version contain a value derived from the last thread to rollup. For query parallelism rollup threads, the value is derived from the parent record. - METH [ADPROTOC]
The method of access: Db2 private protocol, DRDA protocol, or both.
This field is invalid if unique or summary rollup data is present. It can have the following value in:- Accounting Trace and Report: N/P
- The Accounting FILE and SAVE PROGRAM table: blank
The number of occurrences of the remote location and method pair.
The total number of rollbacks (single phase and two-phase) sent.
The total number of single-phase and two-phase commit requests sent.
The number of SQL statements sent to the server location. This value is maintained at the requesting location.
(Exception field) The number of rows of data retrieved from the server location. This value is maintained at the requester location.
Special Considerations:- The number of rows received from the server location does not include either the SQLDA or SQLCA.
- Block fetch can significantly affect the number of rows sent across the network. When used with non-UPDATE cursors, block fetch puts as many rows as possible into the message buffer, and transmits the buffer across the network without requiring a VTAM® message. Consequently, more rows of data might be sent from the server location than are received by the reporting (requester) location. This is especially true when Db2 private protocol is used because multiple blocks can be transmitted from the server with no intervening messages sent by the requester.
(Exception field) The number of conversations (both successful and unsuccessful) initiated by the requester location to be executed at the server location. This number is maintained at the requester.
(Exception field) The elapsed time at the requester. It includes the total of Db2 and network time.