Storage Debugging Services
- Description
Do not modify this parameter except under the guidance of IBM software Support.
This parameter specifies whether TMS:Engine storage debugging services are to be activated.
- N
- Storage debugging information will not be recorded.
- Y
- Basic storage debugging information will be recorded.
- X
- Extended storage debugging information will be recorded.
DEBUG (KD2_X_DB2_DEBUG_TRACE) and STGDEBUG may affect each other. If DEBUG(Y) is specified and STGDEBUG is omitted, basic storage debugging is turned on, causing an increase in storage use.
STGDEBUG must also be specified after DEBUG in the initialization deck for proper functioning of these turned on, causing an increase in storage use. DEBUG will override STGDEBUG if it follows STGDEBUG.
- Required or optional
- Optional
- Default value
- N
- Permissible values
- Y, N, X
- Location where the parameter value is stored
- In the KD2SYSIN member of the rhilev.midlev.rtename.RKD2PAR library
- Output line
- In the Configuration Tool (ICAT)
- This value cannot be updated using the Configuration Tool.
- Batch parameter name
- PARMGEN name
- PARMGEN classification