SQL Performance Analysis: JOBERR

This panel shows diagnostics information, if the SQL PA job of the report selected in the SQL Performance Analysis: Available Reports panel failed.

________________ ZSQPO05  VTM     O2       V550.#P DA41 11/06/13 17:37:38   2  
> Help PF1         Back PF3            Up PF7              Down PF8             
>                  SQL PA Analysis: JOBERR Output                               
> Report=000006 Plan=DSNESPRR Package=DSNESM68 Date=2011-09-16 Time=17.45.05    
MVS JOB was canceled:                                                           
  Return code .......... :       16 (00000010x)                                 
  Reason code .......... :        0 (00000000x)                                 
  Detecting module ..... : DGOZPC3                                              
  Error message ........ :                                                      
   | THE MVS JOB WAS CANCELED BY OPERATOR OR BY MVS                           | 
   | ITSELF. LAST MENTIONED MAY HAVE SEVERAL REASONS:                         | 
   |   - THE JCL CONTAINS SYNTAX ERRORS                                       | 
   |   - YOU HAVE SPECIFIED MORE THAN ONE INPUT DATASET                       | 
   |     AND THOSE DATASETS HAVE DIFFERENT FORMATS                            | 
   |   - THE PM SERVER IS NOT ALLOWED TO WRITE TO THE                         | 
   |     WORKING DIRECTORY                                                    | 
  User action .......... :                                                      
   | PLEASE VERIFY THE FOLLOWING:                                             | 
   |   - CHECK THE JCL FOR SYNTAX ERRORS. THIS IS THE                         | 
   |     MVS JOB JCL MODIFIED DURING INSTALLATION                             | 
   |   - IF YOU HAVE SPECIFIED MORE THAN ONE INPUT                            | 
   |     DATASETS, VERIFY THAT ALL DATASETS HAVE THE                          | 
   |     SAME FORMAT (RECORD LENGTH, FORMAT, ...)                             | 
   |   - VERIFY THAT THE PM SERVER STARTED TASK USERID                        | 
   |     HAS WRITE ACCESS TO THE WORKING DIRECTORY AS                         | 
   |     SPECIFIED DURING INSTALLATION.                                       | 


You can scroll through the report using F7 (Up) and F8 (Down). F3 (Back) returns to the SQL Performance Analysis: Available Reports panel.

You can select a different report type by choosing one of the options from the menu.