Managing Db2 traces with the Workstation Online Monitor
The easiest way to produce input data for reports is to use the Workstation Online Monitor. You must specify the report set for which you want to collect data and the data set where it is to be collected. Then, you can use this data set as input for reports.
You can start the collection of report data manually, or you can set it up to start automatically
based on certain conditions, such as:
- A specified point in time
- When an exception threshold is reached
- an exception event is encountered
You can configure and start collect tasks for:
- One or more Db2® PM report sets
- Specific types of reports or traces within a report set
- Specific IFCIDs
You can also limit the data to specific:
- Locations
- Plan names
- Authorization IDs
You can configure Db2 traces to start:
- At a specified time of the day
- When a specified periodic exception is detected
- When a specified exception event occurs
- Immediately
You can stop Db2 traces manually or configure traces to stop:
- After a specified elapsed time
- After a specified number of trace records have been collected
- After a thread has been terminated or reused
- After a particular IFCID has been collected a specified number of times