Exception processing

Use exception processing to identify Accounting report, trace, and File data set entries with fields that contain values outside thresholds specified in the Exception Threshold data set. When exception processing is active, the data to be reported is checked against these thresholds. You can obtain exception reports, traces, and File data sets by using the EXCEPTION subcommand option in ACCOUNTING subcommands.

There are two threshold types that you can set: warning and problem. A warning message is printed if a value is outside the first threshold. A problem message is printed if a value is outside the second threshold.

Accounting exception reports, traces, and File data sets are identical to the usual Accounting reports, traces, and File data sets, except that they only contain entries that have at least one field in exception status. For reports and traces, a block of data that shows the fields in exception status is printed next to the report or trace entry.

Exception logs contain Accounting and Statistics fields that are in exception status in a single report in timestamp order.

The Exception Log data set is written if you define the EXTRCDD1 DD statement in the JCL. To prevent the generation of the Exception Log data set, omit the EXTRCDD1 statement from your JCL (the preferred method), or specify DUMMY in the definition.

The Exception Log File data set is written if you define the EXFILDD1 DD statement in the JCL. To prevent the generation of the Exception Log File data set, omit the EXFILDD1 statement from your JCL (the preferred method), or specify DUMMY in the definition.

Accounting Exception Messages block

As the following example shows, if EXCEPTION was specified in the REPORT or TRACE subcommand, the entry is formatted and printed in the requested layout, followed by the Exception Messages block. The Exception Messages block identifies the fields in exception status.

  *  TYPE           FIELD ID   FIELD DESCRIPTION                                      BY                     VALUE   THRESHOLD     *
  *                            FIELD QUALIFIER                                                                                     *
  *  PROBLEM        QXINCRB    INCREMENTAL BINDS                                      TOTAL                      1 > 0             *
  *                                                                                                                                *
  *  PROBLEM        ASCDML     TOTAL SQL DML STATEMENTS                               COMMIT                127.25 > 100           *
  *                                                                                                                                *
  *  WARNING        QBACGET    GETPAGES                                               THREAD               2589.00 > 2500          *
  *                            TOTAL                                                                                               *

The following columns are presented in the Exception Messages block:

The type of exception. Valid values are WARNING and PROBLEM.
The name of the field from the Exception Threshold data set.
The description of the field.
The qualifier of the field. It can be blank (for the majority of fields), a buffer pool ID, group buffer pool ID, package or DBRM name, or a remote location name.
The basis for the comparison. The following information can be printed in this column:
The threshold is specified as a total value.
The threshold is specified as a by minute value. The value in the report or trace entry is divided by the number of minutes (class 1 elapsed time) before making the comparison.
The threshold is specified as a by second value. The value in the report or trace entry is divided by the number of seconds (class 1 elapsed time) before making the comparison.
The threshold is specified as a by commit value. The value in the report or trace entry is divided by the number of Commits before making the comparison.
The threshold is specified as a by thread value. The value in the report or trace entry is divided by the number of threads before the comparison. For traces it is equivalent to by total.
The actual field value that is used for the comparison. For by minute, by second, by commit, or by thread comparisons, the value that you get after the division is printed. The greater than symbol (>) or the less than symbol (<) is printed between this column and the THRESHOLD column to indicate whether the value is larger or smaller than the threshold value.
The threshold defined in the Exception Threshold data set.