Replacing fields

In this example, the duplicate fields in the GENERAL Accounting report block are replaced with class 3 suspensions and class 3 suspension times.

About this task

You might have noticed that the Buffer Pool block contains some fields (GETPAGES, SYN.READ, BUF.UPDT, and TOT.PREF) that are also in the General Accounting block (see Accounting report - standard layout). To modify the fields in the General Accounting block, perform the following steps:
  1. In the UTR Block Selection panel, type a forward slash (/) in the Modify column next to GENERAL and press Enter.
    The UTR Field Selection panel is displayed.
    Figure 1. User-Tailored Reporting - deleting fields
     DGOBFLD3                     UTR Field Selection            Row 17 to 25 of 67
     Report set  . . . . . : Accounting Report
     Layout  . . . . . . . : SHORT
     Block label . . . . . : GENERAL
     1.  To include and order, modify/add a number in the Order column
     2.  To exclude a field, blank out the Order column
     Order  Label
            Description                                                      Length
            Average getpage requests for all buffer pools (QBACGET)               8
            Average buffer updates for all buffer pools (QBACSWS)                 8
            Average synchronous reads for all buffer pools (QBACRIO)              8
            Average all types of prefetch requests (ABCLSPR)                      8
     210    LOCK SUS
            Average all types of suspensions (ALTSUSP)                            8
     220    #LOCKOUT
            Sum of timeouts and deadlocks (ADTIMDLK)                              8
     99999  DESCRIBE
            Average of DESCRIBE statements executed (QXDESC)                      7
     99999  ALL DML
            Average all SQL DML statements (ASCDML)                               7
     99999  #LOCKTB
    Command ===> _________________________________________________________________
     F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F5=Extend  F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap
    F10=Config F11=Filler F12=Cancel
  2. In the UTR Field Selection panel, use F8 (Down) to find the fields that you do not want in the General Accounting block. Overtype the numbers (170, 180, 190, and 200) in front of the fields with blanks and press Enter (to reorder the remaining fields).
  3. Use F7 (Up) and F8 (Down) to find the fields that you want to add.
    Figure 2. User-Tailored Reporting - adding fields
     DGOBFLD3                     UTR Field Selection            Row 41 to 49 of 67
     Report set  . . . . . : Accounting Report
     Layout  . . . . . . . : SHORT
     Block label . . . . . : GENERAL
     1.  To include and order, modify/add a number in the Order column
     2.  To exclude a field, blank out the Order column
     Order  Label
            Description                                                      Length
       165  CL3 SUSP
            Average all Class 3 suspensions (ADTSUSC)                             8
     99999  LOCK/LTCH TIME
            Avg time spent waiting due to lock latch suspensions (QWACAWTL)      14
     99999  I/O SUSP.TIME
            Avg time spent waiting due to synch. I/O suspensions (QWACAWTI)      14
     99999  OTH.READ TIME
            Avg time spent waiting due to read I/O performed (QWACAWTR)          14
     99999  OTH.WRITE TIME
            Avg time spent waiting due to write I/O performed (QWACAWTW)         14
       168  CLS3 SUSP.TIME
            Avg time spent for all Class 3 suspensions (ADTSUST)                 14
     99999  #PARALL
            Sum parallel groups being executed (QXTOTGRP)                         7
     99999  #PARUNS
            Sum parallel groups which fall back to seq. mode (ADTOTPFL)           7
     99999  #PARRED
     Command ===> __________________________________________________________________
      F1=Help    F2=Split   F3=Exit    F5=Extend  F7=Up      F8=Down    F9=Swap
     F10=Config F11=Filler F12=Cancel
  4. For this example, enter any number from 160 to 210 in the Order column in front of the fields that you want to add and press Enter.
  5. Scroll back to see that the newly inserted fields appear at the position that you intended.

You do not have to delete existing fields when you add new fields. You can insert new fields between existing fields or place new fields before or after existing fields. Also, you can delete fields without replacing them with new fields. When the layout is generated the gaps are automatically filled in.

There is no limitation to how many fields or blocks can be selected in a layout. However, carefully consider what information you really need to prevent your reports from getting too long.