Lock Suspension Report

The Lock Suspension report summarizes all Lock Suspension activities across a specified time period.

The suspensions are reported by any combination of up to three OMEGAMON for Db2® Performance Expert identifiers. The report summarizes the Lock Suspension activities of:

  • An IRLM request (except when the resource type is a drain lock).
  • An IRLM request where the resource type is a drain lock.
  • A drain request where the claim count is not zero.

    This suspension occurs when the agent making the drain request has to wait for the claim count on the particular resource to become zero.

  • A suspension of a page latch request.

    This suspension occurs when the agent making the page latch request has to wait for a page which is currently being held by another agent.

The Lock Suspension report is produced if level SUSPENSION is specified in the REPORT subcommand. The ORDER subcommand specifies by which OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert identifiers the report is to be sorted.

Optionally, the SPREADSHEETDD subcommand option can be used to create a data set with Lock Suspension data that can be imported in spreadsheet programs for individual analyses. Refer to Using Lock Suspension Data with Spreadsheets for more details.

Every suspension results in a normal resume or a lockout (deadlock or timeout), or is canceled (in the case of page latch suspensions). In any case, and if the suspension delay is unacceptable, review the plans and associated tables and indexes.

Layout of a Suspension Report shows the layout of a suspension report. The letter x is a placeholder marking the maximum size of a field. See Lock Suspension Report for an example of a suspension report.

The report presents data summarized by OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert identifiers. The report can be sorted by up to three identifiers. For group-scope reports, the member name is added implicitly as an additional identifier and sort criterion.

Layout of a Suspension Report

This is the layout of a suspension report.
   LOCATION: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         OMEGAMON XE FOR DB2 PERFORMANCE EXPERT (V5R4M0)                   PAGE: l-n
      GROUP: xxxxxxxx                             LOCKING REPORT - SUSPENSION                 REQUESTED FROM: mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.nn
     MEMBER: xxxxxxxx                                                                                     TO: mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.nn
  SUBSYSTEM: xxxx                                         ORDER: xxxxxx                        INTERVAL FROM: mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.nn
DB2 VERSION: Vn Rn                                        SCOPE: xxxxxx                                   TO: mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss.nn

 IDENT2xx                                                     --SUSPEND REASONS-- ---------  R E S U M E    R E A S O N S  ---------
  IDENT3xx         --- L O C K   R E S O U R C E --- TOTAL    LOCAL  GLOB.  S.NFY ---- NORMAL ----  TIMEOUT/CANCEL  --- DEADLOCK ---
   MEMBER          TYPE      NAME                    SUSPENDS LATCH  IRLMQ  OTHER NMBR         AET NMBR         AET NMBR         AET
------------------ --------- ----------------------- -------- -----  -----  ----- ---- ----------- ---- ----------- ---- -----------
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx nnnnnnnn nnnnn  nnnnn  nnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx            xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx          nnnnn  nnnnn  nnnnn
  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx           xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   xxxxxxxx                  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                   xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx nnnnnnnn nnnnn  nnnnn  nnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn
                             xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx          nnnnn  nnnnn  nnnnn


                   *SUM OF xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*         nnnnnnnn nnnnn  nnnnn  nnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn
                                                              nnnnn  nnnnn  nnnnn

   *GROUP TOTAL*                                     nnnnnnnn nnnnn  nnnnn  nnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn
                                                              nnnnn  nnnnn  nnnnn
  *SUBTOTAL*                                         nnnnnnnn nnnnn  nnnnn  nnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn
                                                              nnnnn  nnnnn  nnnnn
 *TOTAL*                                             nnnnnnnn nnnnn  nnnnn  nnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn
                                                              nnnnn  nnnnn  nnnnn
*GRAND TOTAL*                                        nnnnnnnn nnnnn  nnnnn  nnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn nnnn ssss.nnnnnn
                                                              nnnnn  nnnnn  nnnnn

Field description

The header information to this report is described in The Locking Header of Reports and Traces.

These mark the positions where the order criteria are listed and reported.

In group-scope reports, MEMBER is automatically added as the second, third, or fourth identifier.

If you specify DATABASE, PAGESET, or both, in the ORDER option, the database name, page set name, or both names, are removed from the resource name. In this case, 'BLANK' is printed.

Group member name of the Db2 subsystem. This is only printed for member-scope reports.
The type of resource on which the suspended request is made. Valid values are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Lock Resource Type
Type Description
ALTERBUF Alter buffer pool lock
BINDLOCK Autobind lock and remote bind lock for the serialization of local autobinds or packages, remote binds, and remote rebinds of packages
CATM CAT CATMAINT convert catalog lock
CATM DIR CATMAINT convert directory lock
CATM MIG CATMAINT migration lock
CDB PLCK DDF communications database P-lock
COLLECT Collection ID
DATABASE Locking of the DBD
DATAPAGE Data page locking
DBALLOC Start and stop lock on the database allocation table
DBCMD SER Database command serialization
DBD DBD load lock
DRAIN All types of drain locking
DRAIN CS Cursor stability drain lock
DRAIN RR Repeatable read drain lock
DRAIN W Write drain lock
EXCP UPD Database group exception update lock
GBP CAST Group buffer pool level castout P-lock
GBP S/S Group buffer pool start and stop lock
HASH-ANC Hash anchor lock
INDEX KEY Index Key lock
INDEXEOF Index end-of-file lock
INDEXPAGE Index page locking
LOB Large object
LPL/GREC Database group exception LPL/GRECP lock
LPLRECVRY Logical page list recovery
MASSDEL Mass delete lock
OPENLOCK Page set or data set open lock
OTHER All unlisted resource types
P/P CAST Page set and partition level castout P-lock
P/P PLCK Page set and partition P-lock
PAGE Resource involved in page latch suspensions
PAGEPLCK Page P-lock
PAGESET Nonpartitioned table spaces and indexes. Drained at the page set level.
PART NSPL Partitions of partitioned table spaces and indexes using the non-SPL (selective partition locking) scheme.
PART SPL Partitions of partitioned table spaces and indexes using the SPL (selective partition locking) scheme.
ROW Data row locking
RPR_DBD Repair DBD test and diagnose lock
SCA ACCS SCA access for restart or redo information
SKCT Skeleton cursor table locking

Skeleton package table

Note, if the lock resource type has a value of SKPT the Lock Detail report shows compressed parts of the SKPT resource name as hexadecimal strings in reports and traces. It consists of the following parts:

  • Collection ID, which is compressed (18 bytes)
  • Program name, which is compressed (8 bytes)
  • Consistency token (8 bytes)

With the hexadecimal value you can compare values of different locks. See Layout of a Locking Detail report for the lock resource type SKPT for an example of a Locking Detail report for the lock resource type SKPT.

SKPT resource names are shown for the Locking Activity report at the following LEVEL:


SKPT resource names are shown for the Locking Activity trace at the following LEVEL:

SYSLGRNG Buffer manager SYSLGRNG recording lock
TABLE Table locking
TREEPLCK Index tree P-lock
UTIL EXC Utility exclusive execution lock
UTIL UID Utility UID lock
UTILSER Utility serialization lock
Note: For a suspended request where the resource type is not supplied, N/P is printed.
The name on which the suspended request is made. Each part of the lock resource name is printed on a separate line. The abbreviations shown in the report are explained, in alphabetical order, in Table 2.
Table 2. Lock Resource Name Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
ANCH Anchor point ID
BPID Buffer pool ID
COLL Collection name
CKTN Consistency token
DB Database name
HASH Database group exception hash class
OB Object name
PAGE Physical page
PART Partition
PKID Package name
PLAN Plan name
RMID Resource manager ID
ROW Data row
SUBP Subpage
UID Utility ID
VER# Version number of LOB
  1. The database names and object names are translations obtained from the IFCID 105 and 107 records. If these records are not available, the decimal representation of the database and object names are printed.
  2. If you specify DATABASE, PAGESET, or both, in the ORDER option, the database name, page set name, or both names, are removed from the resource name and printed in the OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert identifier column. If the name only consists of the database and page set, N/P is printed in the resource name column. If the resource name does not contain the database and page set, 'BLANK' is printed in the OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert identifier column and all resource name parts are printed in the lock resource block.
The number of suspensions for the particular combination of OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert identifiers.
The reason why a particular request was suspended. The requests composing the particular combination of OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert identifiers and lock resource can be suspended for several reasons. The SUSPEND REASONS column shows all reasons identified by the IRLM resume records. Therefore, the sum of the counts in this column can differ from the TOTAL SUSPENDS count.

The categorized reasons for suspension are:

Local resource contention. This occurs when you request access to a local resource that is locked.
IRLM latch contention. This occurs when the IRLM needs to serialize a resource. For example, the IRLM serializes the adding and removing of locks to the lock table. The lock table is latched for a short period of time, and the resulting suspensions, if any, are brief.
Global contention. This occurs when you request access to a global resource that is locked.
IRLM queued request.
Intersystem message sending.
Suspensions other than those listed here. Suspensions reported as OTHER are either serviceability values, drain suspensions, contentions with retained locks, or page latch suspensions.
The reasons for resumption of the suspended tasks. The reason can be normal, timeout, deadlock, and canceled (canceled only applies to page latch suspensions).
The number of suspensions that ended when the task resumed normal processing after completion of the lock request. In page latch suspensions, this is the number of suspensions where the latch requester was not canceled.
The average elapsed time of a suspension that ended in the task resuming normally. In page latch suspensions, this is the average elapsed time of a suspension where the latch requester was not canceled.

The format for this field is ssss.nnnnnn.

The number of waits to access locked resources that resulted in exceeding a preset time interval.
The average elapsed time of a resumption due to a timeout.

The format for this field is ssss.nnnnnn.

The number of page latch suspensions that ended with the latch requester being canceled.
The average elapsed time of a page latch suspension that ended with the latch requester being canceled.

The format for this field is ssss.nnnnnn.

The number of deadlocks.
The average duration of a deadlock.

The format for this field is ssss.nnnnnn.

The sum printed for the lowest-level identifier when there is more than one combination of request type, resource type, and lock resource reported under it.
The sum of report entries that belong to a data sharing group if more than one member of the group is reported for a particular combination of OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert identifiers. A GROUP TOTAL only appears in group-scope reports.
When a report is ordered by three identifiers and there is more than one third-level identifier reported under it, a subtotal is printed each time the second-level identifier changes.
When a report is ordered by two or three identifiers and there is more than one second-level identifier reported under it, a total is printed each time the first-level identifier changes.
If there is more than one first-level identifier reported, a grand total is printed at the end of each group in a group-scope report or at the end of each member in a member-scope report.

Lock Suspension Report

The following sample suspension report is produced with this command:


This is a sample Lock Suspension report.

   LOCATION: OMPDA21                    OMEGAMON XE FOR DB2 PERFORMANCE EXPERT (V5R4M0)                   PAGE: 1-1
      GROUP: N/P                                LOCKING REPORT - SUSPENSION                     REQUESTED FROM: NOT SPECIFIED
     MEMBER: N/P                                                                                            TO: NOT SPECIFIED
  SUBSYSTEM: DA21                                ORDER: PRIMAUTH-PLANNAME                        INTERVAL FROM: 02/14/15 19:46:09.24
DB2 VERSION: V10                                       SCOPE: MEMBER                                        TO: 02/14/15 19:48:51.36

                                                            --SUSPEND REASONS-- ---------- R E S U M E   R E A S O N S -----------
PRIMAUTH           --- L O C K   R E S O U R C E --- TOTAL    LOCAL  GLOB.  S.NFY ---- NORMAL ----  TIMEOUT/CANCEL  --- DEADLOCK ---
 PLANNAME          TYPE      NAME                    SUSPENDS LATCH  IRLMQ  OTHER NMBR         AET NMBR         AET NMBR         AET
------------------ --------- ----------------------- -------- -----  -----  ----- ---- ----------- ---- ----------- ---- -----------
                   SKPT                                    15     0      0      0   15    0.000042    0         N/C    0         N/C
                                                                 15      0      0
                             COLL(HEX)=              X'112233445566778899001122334455667788'  
                             PKID(HEX)=              X'1122334455667788'         