Scenario 4: Collecting performance data regularly

You might want to collect performance data on a regular basis, for example, to collect Statistics data between 12 noon and 4 p.m. every day.

To perform this task:
  1. Define a process consisting of a single CRD (collect report data) step.
  2. Schedule the process to run periodically and activate it.
You can perform this scenario on the following pages of the Performance Warehouse window:
  • Trace
  • Report and Load
  • Expert

It is recommended that you use the Trace page because it only contains the items you need to configure and activate, and for which you want to view the progress, such as the CRD process.

To define a CRD process:
  1. Copy the process template DB2PM.Templates.Collect Report Data from the Public process group to a process group of your own. This template collects Accounting and Statistics data for the duration of 5 minutes.
  2. Display the properties for the Collect Report Data step and change the following option categories on the Options page:
    • For Output data set, type an output data set name and select Append.
    • For Data, clear the Accounting check box.
    • For Stop, specify an elapsed time of 4 hours.

To schedule the process, proceed as described in Scheduling the process containing the CRD (collect report data) and REPORT steps, but type 12 under Hours.

To activate the process, display the process properties and change the status from in definition to active.

For more details on how to define, schedule, activate, and view the progress of a process, refer to Scenario 1: Transferring performance data into the Performance Warehouse database.