Exception Output Data Sets window

The Exception Output Data Sets window is displayed whenever you have requested a Log File or DPMOUT data set in the Exception Processor panel.

Figure 1. Exception Output Data Sets window
 DGOMEP03          Exception Output Data Sets

 Specify the data set(s) to be used, and press Enter

 Display log file data set
 Name  . . . . . ______________________________________________
 Disposition . . 1  1=append  2=overwrite  3=new

 Display DPMOUT data set
 Name  . . . . . ______________________________________________
 Disposition . . 1  1=append  2=overwrite  3=new

 Periodic log file data set
 Name  . . . . . ______________________________________________
 Disposition . . 1  1=append  2=overwrite  3=new

 Periodic DPMOUT data set
 Name  . . . . . ______________________________________________
 Disposition . . 1  1=append  2=overwrite  3=new

  F1=Help    F2=Split   F7=Up     F8=Down    F9=Swap   F12=Cancel

Use this window to enter the names of the Exception Log data set and DPMOUT data set you want the exception processor to write to. If the data collector is active for your current subsystem, make sure that it is authorized to write to these data sets. Different data sets are used for display exceptions and periodic exceptions.

For data sets selected in the Exception Processor panel, a valid name is required. Do not specify a name for those data sets that were not selected. Therefore, if a LOG data set was selected but not a DPMOUT data set, then you must enter a valid name for the Exception Log data set, but not for the DPMOUT data set.

You can enter the name of an output Log File data set where exception conditions are written. An entry is written to the data set for each exception condition detected by the exception processor. This data set can subsequently be used as input to the Db2® LOAD utility, or printed using the Exception Log print utility.

See Printing the Exception Log File data set for more information.

For the layout of the Exception Log File data set, see Layout of the Exception Log File output record.

You can enter the name of an output DPMOUT data set where DPMOUT-formatted records that contain exception conditions are written. This data set can be used as input to a batch Record trace or Statistics trace for a more detailed analysis of exception conditions. See the Report Reference for information about the layout of DPMOUT-formatted records.

The Disposition fields specify how the data is to be written to the data sets. Enter 1 (append) to append the data, 2 (overwrite) to overwrite the old data, or 3 (new) to dynamically allocate a new data set.

Press Enter to initialize exception processing and to activate the selected functions. If there are any errors during this process, a panel is displayed that shows the errors.