Specify Application Trace
Use this panel to specify the criteria for the application to be traced and the data set to which the trace data is to be stored for later analysis.
- The application trace is active.
- The application trace is inactive.
- The output file ran out of space.
- This status is briefly displayed during an early stage of initialization.
- The application trace is abended.
________________ ZATRQ VTM O2 V550./C DA31 06/19/13 19:57:13 3
> Help PF1 Back PF3
> A.A Current Trace Status: INACTIVE
+ Type Db2 Plan name to be traced.
: DSN= ____________________________________________ Mode= Append
: PLANNAME= ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
+ Plan name(s) or ALL for all active threads
: AUTHID= ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
+ Db2 Authorization Identifier(s)
: TSOUSER= ________ TSO UserID | STATSQL= N Static SQL? (Y/N)
: JOBNAME= ________ Job Name | SQLDATA= Y Dynamic SQL? (Y/N)
: CICSTRAN= ____ CICS Trans ID | LOCKDATA= Y Lock Data? (Y/N)
: CICSCONN= ________ CICS Connection ID| SCANDATA= Y Scan Data? (Y/N)
: PSBNAME= ________ IMS PSB Name | THRDDATA= Y Thread Data? (Y/N)
: IMSID= ________ IMS Region ID | CONNDATA= Y Connect Data? (Y/N)
: SMF= N Output to SMF? (Y/N) | HOSTVARS= N Host Variable?(Y/N)
: GTF= N Output to GTF?(Y/N)
: MEMSIZE= 02 (01-04MEG) TIME= 0005 (0001-0060) FLUSH= 300 (001-300)
: DEFERRED: STDATE= MM/DD/YYYY STTIME= HH:MM (mm/dd/yyyy dd.mm.yyyy)
You can trace up to five individual plans or all plans (threads) executing in the Db2 system. To limit trace overhead incurred by the Db2 subsystem and OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert, qualify your trace request as much as possible. To qualify a trace request, enter the required information for only one of the connection types (TSO, batch, CICS®, or IMS). Use SMP/E USERMOD to change default options and limits listed below. See TKANSAM(KO2MOD01) for more information.
For additional options, use the PF keys.
- The name of a VSAM data set. If you want trace data to be saved for later viewing,
enter the name of a preallocated, preformatted data set; otherwise, leave this field blank.
For considerations about sizing VSAM data sets for various record types and output devices, see Configuration and Customization.
For procedures about customizing the Application Trace Facility, see Configuration and Customization. The ATF uses only the primary extent of a data set; it does not use secondary extents. Keep this in mind when considering space requirements for the trace data.
- Defines whether trace data is appended to existing data in the VSAM data set that is specified
in the DSN field. You can use the following values:
- Any previously collected trace data is retained and new data is appended to the end of existing data.
- Deletes existing trace data from a data set before new trace data is added.
You can change the default value by adding the keyword ATFMODE to the member OMPEOPTS in the rhilev.RKD2PAR(OMPEOPTS) data set. Valid values for the keyword ATFMODE are APPEND or REUSE.
- The Db2 plan names of the application threads
to be traced. To trace all thread activity, set the plan name to
. This field is required.The specification of individual plan names and individual authorization IDs is restricted such that you can specify either up to five plan names and one authorization ID or one plan name and up to five authorization IDs.
- The Db2 authorization IDs of the application
(threads) to be traced. This field is optional, however, you should supply one or more authorization
IDs to limit trace overhead and the amount of data collected.
See also PLANNAME for possible restrictions.
- The TSO user ID of the application (thread) to be traced if the application originates from a Db2 TSO connection. This limits the amount of trace data collected and overhead incurred.
- The jobname of the application (thread) to be traced if the application originates from a Db2 batch (TSO background) connection. This limits the amount of trace data collected and overhead incurred.
- The transaction ID of the application (thread) to be traced if the application
originates from a Db2
CICS connection. This limits the amount of trace data
collected and overhead incurred. Note: If you enter a value in the CICSTRAN field when specifying the ATF trace filtering options, that value is mapped to a CORRID filter value when the Db2 trace is started.
- The Db2 connection ID of the CICS region from which the application (thread) originates. This limits the amount of trace data collected and overhead incurred.
- The IMS PSB name of the application (thread) if the application originates from the Db2 IMS connection. This limits the amount of trace data collected and overhead incurred.
- The IMSID of the IMS region from which the application (thread) originates. This limits the amount of trace data collected and overhead incurred.
- Specifies whether the trace data will be written out to SMF in addition to the capture. The default is N. SMF and GTF are mutually exclusive fields. You can specify N for both fields, but not Y.
- Specifies whether the trace data will be written out to GTF in addition to the capture. The default is N. SMF and GTF are mutually exclusive fields. You can specify N for both fields, but not Y.
- Specify Yes to enable display of static SQL statements.
- Specify No to inhibit collection of Db2 SQL trace records. This reduces the number of captured trace records and associated overhead.
- Specify NO to inhibit collection of Db2 lock trace records. This reduces the number of captured trace records and associated overhead.
- Specify NO to inhibit collection of Db2 scan trace records. This reduces the number of captured trace records and associated overhead.
- Specify NO to inhibit collection of Db2 thread trace records. This reduces the number of captured trace records and associated overhead.
- Specify NO to inhibit collection of Db2 connection trace records. This reduces the number of captured trace records and associated overhead.
- Specify Y to enable input HOSTVAR data collection. The default is N.
- Specifies the amount of virtual memory to be used for the collection work area. You can specify a value from 1 to 4 MB.
- The time (in minutes) that OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert will trace the application. The default is 5 minutes. The trace time can be any value from 1 through 60 minutes. The length of the application trace should be minimized to limit the resource utilization (CPU, memory) required by the facility.
- The interval at which ATF processing will flush those Unit of Work (UOW) records that are complete and write them to the VSAM data set. The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
- Optionally, you can defer the start of the trace request by specifying the following fields:
- The date (in mm/dd/yyyy or dd.mm.yyyy format) the trace request is to start. You can specify the current date or a date in the future.
- The time (in 24 hour format) the trace is to start. This field is required, if STDATE is specified.
When you complete the fields in this panel and press Enter, OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert displays a confirmation panel that contains the values you supplied. To start the application trace using these values, press Enter. To change the values without starting a trace, press F3.