Explain an SQL statement of a DBRM

Use the DBRM SQL Statement window to explain an SQL statement of a previously bound plan.

To display this window, select option 3 from the Explain Menu.
Figure 1. DBRM SQL Statement window
DGOMYWDS                DBRM SQL Statement

DBRM name  . . . . . . . . . . DSN*__________________________   +
Plan name  . . . . . . . . . . ________

Command ===> ____________________________________________________
 F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F9=Swap     F12=Cancel
F16=Look     F17=Collect  F21=Expand   F22=Left     F23=Right

To explain an SQL statement from this window, type the DBRM name and plan name into the appropriate fields and press Enter. Wildcards are accepted in these fields. Empty fields are equivalent to asterisks (*), which is the default. The DBRM and Plan List panel is then displayed, where you can select a DBRM from a list of all matching DBRMs and plans.