Active Trace Detail

This panel shows Db2 trace activity at a detailed (IFCID) level. With this information you can determine how much overhead was incurred in the traces.

_________________ ZTRACED  VTM     O2       V550.#P XCA2 10/11/23 12:17:21   2  
>  Help PF1             Back PF3              Up PF7                  Down PF8  
>                            ACTIVE TRACE DETAIL                                
+    Trace Qualifications:                                                      
+ Number   = 004   Type = PERFORMANCE   Asid = * 
+ Dest     = SMF ,GTF ,SRV ,OP4 ,OP7 ,OP8 ,OP9 ,OP10,OP11,OP12,OP14,OP15,OP16
+ Class    = 01,02,03,23,24                                                                  
+ Rmids    = *                                                                 
+ Tdata    = CORRELATION,DISTRIBUTED                                            
+ Plan     = *              Location  = *                      
+ Authid   = *              Wrkstn    = *                                       
+ Connid   = *              Appname   = *                                  
+ Corrid   = *              Userid    = *                                     
+ Pkgloc   = *                                                                  
+ Pkgcol   = *                                                                  
+ Pkgprog  = *                                                                  
+ Role     = *                                                     
+                                BUFSIZE  = 1024K                                           
+    Exclude Trace Qualifications:                                              
+ XPlan    = None           XLoc      = None                                    
+ XAuthid  = None           XWrkstn   = None                                    
+ XConnid  = None           XAppname  = None                                    
+ XCorrid  = None           XUserid   = None                                    
+ XPkgloc  = None                                                               
+ XPkgcol  = None                                                               
+ XPkgprog = None                                                               
+ XRole    = None                                                               
+    Total IFCIDS Active       = 69                                              
+               IFCID    IFCID Description                                      
+               _____    ________________________________________               
+                001     STATISTICS DATA COLLECTION                             
+                002     STATISTICS DATA COLLECTION
+                003     ACCOUNTING DATA COLLECTION
+                022     RECORD MINI-PLANS GENERATED
+                031     RECORD EDM POOL FULL CONDITION
+                042     START CHECKPOINT PROCESSING                    


For additional information about other topics, use the PF keys.


Trace Qualifications:
The internal Db2 trace number assigned to the trace.
The trace type.
The destinations that are assigned to the trace on this line.
Beginning with Db2 13 function level 504, the maximum number of OP buffers for trace monitoring with READA calls is increased from 8 to 16. The increase in the number of available OP buffers can have the following effects:
  • More monitoring capacity is available when multiple applications start traces with multiple OP destinations.
  • Monitoring applications can experience better performance when they send trace data to a larger number of destinations.
Beginning with IBM Db2 AI for z/OS (Db2ZAI) function level 505, a new trace destination, ZAI, is introduced. The ZAI trace destination is used by some Db2ZAI Distributed Connection Control (DCC) related traces.
Specifies the address space for which trace data is collected.
The active trace class(es) on this trace.
The resource manager IDs (Rmids) specified when the trace was started. If the trace was qualified with no Rmids, this field contains an asterisk (*).
The trace headers that are in use by this trace entry.
The plan name qualifying the trace. If the trace was not qualified with a Plan, this field contains an asterisk (*).
The location name qualifying the remote trace. If the trace was not qualified with a location, this field contains an asterisk (*).
The authorization identifier (Authid) qualifying the trace. If the trace was not qualified with an authorization identifier, this field contains an asterisk (*).
The workstation name (Wrkstn) qualifying the trace. If the trace was not qualified with a workstation name, this field contains an asterisk (*).
The connection name (Connid) qualifying the trace. If the trace was not qualified with a connection name, this field contains an asterisk (*).
The application name (Appname) qualifying the trace. If the trace was not qualified with an application name, this field contains an asterisk (*).
The correlation name (Corrid) qualifying the trace. If the trace was not qualified with a correlation name, this field contains an asterisk (*).
The user name (Userid) qualifying the trace. If the trace was not qualified with a user name, this field contains an asterisk (*).
The location name of the package (Pkgloc) qualifying the trace. If the trace was not qualified with the location name of the package, this field contains an asterisk (*).
The collection name of the package (Pkgcol) qualifying the trace. If the trace was not qualified with the collection name of the package, this field contains an asterisk (*).
The DBRM or program name (Pkgprog) qualifying the trace. If the trace was not qualified with a DBRM or program name, this field contains an asterisk (*).
The connection role name qualifying the trace. If the trace was not qualified with a connection role name, this field contains an asterisk (*).
Audit Policy Names(AUDTPLCY)
Specifies a list of up to eight audit policy names (AUDTPLCY) for which trace information is gathered.
Miscellaneous trace information: The following fields are displayed if the Trace Destination field contains an OPx destination.
The jobname that started the trace.
The address space ID of the job that started the trace.
The plan name of the thread that is using the OPx destination.
The authorization identifier of the thread that started the trace. For active trace requests in use by OMEGAMON® for Db2 PE, the authorization ID is that of the O2CI address space, not the authorization ID of the user issuing the start trace request.
The connection ID of the thread that is using the OPx destination.
The correlation ID of the thread that is using the OPx destination.
The buffer size value that was used when the trace was started.
Exclude Trace Qualifications:
The exclude filtering for the plan name (XPlan). If the trace was not qualified with an XPlan , this field contains NONE.
The exclude filtering for the location name (XLoc) qualifying the remote trace. If the trace was not qualified with an XLoc, this field contains NONE.
The exclude filtering for authorization identifier (Xauthid). If the trace was not qualified with an XAuthid, this field contains NONE.
The exclude filtering for workstation name (XWrkstn). If the trace was not qualified with an XWrkstn, this field contains NONE.
The exclude filtering for connection name (XConnid). If the trace was not qualified with an XConnid, this field contains NONE.
The exclude filtering for application name (XAppname). If the trace was not qualified with an XAppname, this field contains NONE.
The exclude filtering for correlation name (XCorrid). If the trace was not qualified with an XCorrid, this field contains NONE.
The exclude filtering for user name (XUserid). If the trace was not qualified with an XUserid, this field contains NONE.
The exclude filtering for the location name of the package (XPkgloc). If the trace was not qualified with an XPkgloc, this field contains NONE.
The exclude filtering for the collection name of the package (XPkgcol). If the trace was not qualified with an XPkgcol, this field contains NONE.
The exclude filtering for DBRM or program name (XPkgprog). If the trace was not qualified with a XPkgprog, this field contains NONE.
The exclude filtering for connection role name (XRole). If the trace was not qualified with a XRole, this field contains NONE.
IFCID information:
Total IFCIDs Active
The total number of trace IFCIDs activated by the trace entry.
The number of an active IFCID.
IFCID Description
The description of the IFCID on this line.