Job Summary Log
This topic provides details about the Job Summary Log.
The OMEGAMON for Db2®
Performance Expert job
summary log provides a summary of events during OMEGAMON for Db2
Performance Expert execution, and
other information about Db2 that helps you interpret OMEGAMON for Db2
Performance Expert reports. The
job summary log includes the following events:
- Detection of a Db2 START TRACE or Db2 STOP TRACE command.
- Reduction interval completion by report set.
There is a summary of all intervals for each report set at the end of the reduction phase.
- RESTORE subcommand completion by report set. This includes the completion code, Db2 subsystem ID, timestamp information on any restored data, and the ddname of the RESTORE file.
- SAVE subcommand completion by report set. This includes the completion code, Db2 subsystem ID, timestamp information on any restored data, and the ddname of the SAVE file.
- Warning and Error Messages that identify corrupted performance trace input records.
Note: It
is recommended that you check the DPMLOG messages after each batch
execution, even if the job returned "0" as completion code.