Saving and recalling selections

The SAVE command saves all report set, reporting command, and ddname selections and specifications that you have made so far into a partitioned data set.

About this task

You can also save incomplete selections and use these selections as a template for a specific type of report. The SAVE command displays the Save Selections panel, where you can specify the data set and member name in which selections are to be saved. This data set must exist and must be defined with the following attributes:
Directory blocks
Depends on how many members you want to save.

The next time you want to produce the same or a similar command stream, type RECALL on the command line of one of the IRF panels. The RECALL command displays the Recall Selections panel, where you can specify the data set and member in which the previous selections have been saved. At this time, you can still modify or complete the recalled selections according to your needs. If you want to use the recalled selections unchanged, enter COMPOSE on the command line to generate the JCL and the command stream.