The effect of REDUCE on TRACE

These examples show the effect of TRACE FROM and TO on REDUCE BOUNDARY and INTERVAL.

Example 1

      BOUNDARY (30)
      INTERVAL (60)
      FROM     (, 9:00:00)
      TO       (,12:00:00)
      FROM     (,12:00:00)
      TO       (,17:00:00)

The data that is available for tracing, as with reporting, is influenced first by the GLOBAL command. If you specify FROM and TO dates and times in GLOBAL, all records outside those dates and times are discarded before reducing or tracing.

The data that is available for tracing is also influenced by the REDUCE subcommand. If you specify FROM and TO dates and times in REDUCE, all records outside those dates and times are unavailable to subsequent TRACE subcommands. In this example, no GLOBAL command is in effect and no dates and times are specified for REDUCE, so all records in the input data are available to TRACE. The data that is available for tracing is not restricted by INTERVAL or BOUNDARY.

The ACCOUNTING TRACE subcommand specifies data from 12:00:00 to 17:00:00. The Accounting trace header contains the following times:
ACTUAL FROM     07/14/13 12:15:00

          TO             17:00:00

No dates are specified, so all dates are included. The REQUESTED FROM and TO dates and times from the TRACE subcommand are printed in the trace.

Example 2

      FROM (,10:00)
      TO   (15:00)
      FROM (,10:00)
      TO   (15:00)
      FROM (,09:00)
      TO   (17:00)

In this example, the TRACE FROM time is before the REDUCE FROM time and the TRACE TO time is after the REDUCE TO time. The trace contains records that are written at or after 10:00:00 and before 15:00:00. The Accounting trace header contains the following times:

ACTUAL FROM     07/14/13 12:15:00

          TO             17:00:00

No dates are specified, so all dates are included. The REQUESTED FROM and TO times from the TRACE subcommand are printed in the trace. However, the available data is limited by the REDUCE FROM and TO times (10:00:00 to 15:00:00). The requested times do not reflect the actual content of the trace.

The ACTUAL FROM time is the timestamp of the first record in the trace. In this example, the first Accounting record after 10:00:00 is at 12:15:00. The trace includes the eight Accounting records between the REDUCE FROM and TO times.