Viewing active Db2 subsystems
The All Active Db2 Subsystems workspace (KDPSTART) enables you to view information about all of the active Db2 subsystems for your enterprise system. This workspace shows the general status and health of your active Db2 subsystems and provides a starting point for troubleshooting.
On the OMEGAMON Products panel, select the
Db2 tab to show the All Active Db2 Subsystems
(KOBSDB2) workspace
- On All Active Db2 Subsystems (KOBSDB2), enter p beside the active Db2 subsystem you want to use, and press Enter.
On Db2 Main Screen (KDPSTART), enter / beside an
active Db2 subsystem to display the Options Menu, and press
On the Options Menu, choose an available option.
There are two option menus for Db2 subsystems. The Options Menu that is displayed from the Db2 tab is slightly different from the Options Menu displayed from the Db2 Main Screen. Though some of the option numbers differ between the two options menus, they both point to the same workspaces.
- 1. A (Anomaly Detection)
- Display the Anomaly Detection panel (KDPANOM) to view information about anomalies.
- 2. C (CICS Threads)
- Display the Db2 CICS Threads panel (KDPCICTH) to view information about CICS threads, CICS connections, and active threads.
- 3. D (Interval Statistics)
- Display the Db2 Interval Statistics panel (KDPINTVS) to view information about Db2 intervals since the last reset.
- 4. E (Events)
- Display the Events panels (KDPEFIL1, KDPEFIL2, KDPEFIL3) to specify events selection information to view information about events.
- 5. F (Application Trace)
- Display the Application Trace Option panel (KDPATQUE) to specify the criteria for the application(s) to be traced and the data set to which the trace is to be stored in for later analysis.
- 6. G (DSNZPARMs)
- Display the DSNZPARM Thread Parameters panel (KDPZSYS) to view information about DSNZPARMs.
- 7. K (Key Performance Indicators)
- Display the Db2 Key Performance Indicators panel (KDPKPI1) to view a summary of thread related key performance indicators for a Db2 subsystem including connections, transactions and locking.
- 8. L (Lock Conflicts)
- Display the Db2 Lock Conflicts panel (KDPLKC2) to view lock conflicts for a Db2 subsystem.
- 9. R (Thread History)
- Display the Thread History panel (KDPHFIL1) which provides access to information about Db2 thread history.
- 10. S (System Statistics)
- Display the Db2 System Resource Manager panel (KDPSUBSM) to view information about workloads for monitored Db2 subsystems.
- 11. T (Active Threads)
- Display the Db2 Active Threads panel (KDPTHD52) to view thread activity for a specific Db2 subsystem and key performance data including CPU rate, in-Db2 time, wait time, Db2 status, getpage, commits and updates.
- 12. H (History)
- Display the Historical Summary panel (KDPSTRTH) which provides access to statistics history for all active Db2 data sharing groups and Db2 subsystems.
- 13 M (More Options)
- Display the Options Menu panel (KDPMORE) to view more All Active Db2 Subsystems workspace options.
- 1. I (IMS Connections)
- Display the Db2 IMS Connections panel (KDPIMS) to view information about the IMS regions connected to Db2.
- 2. J (Db2 Connect Server)
- Display the Db2 Connect Server panel (KDPCONN) to view information about active and inactive Db2 Connect gateways.
- 3. M (Db2 Messages)
- Display the Db2 Messages panel (KDPMSGS) to view critical Db2 messages.
- 4. O (Object Analysis)
- Display the Object Analysis Database panel ((KDPOA001) to view high-level analysis of getpage and I/O activity from a Db2 database perspective.
- 5. V (View EXPLAIN Reports)
- Display the EXPLAIN Summary Reports panel (KDPVEXPL) to view EXPLAIN summary reports.