Virtual Storage Map

This panel shows the amount of virtual storage currently in use and the amount available for use in the specified address space.

________________ ZPEEKAA  VTM     O2       V550.#P DA41 11/06/13 11:16:41   2  
>       Help PF1           Back PF3           Up PF7           Down PF8         
> M.A.A                                                                         
>  SYSTEM SERVICES ADDRESS SPACE:  Enter a selection letter on the top line.    
> H-LSQA                                                                        
>                             VIRTUAL STORAGE MAP                               
 PEEK  DA41MSTR ASID=225, collected at 11:16:36                                 
+      ===== 2 Gig Line ====== <== 7FFFFFFF Highest 31-bit address              
+      |                     |                                                  
+      |---------------------| <== 7FFFFFFF Top of Extended Private             
+      | /////////////////// |                                                  
+      | /// System Area /// | >-----------    384K ELSQA/SWA unallocated       
+      | /////////////////// |                 148K Fragmented free space       
+      |---------------------| <== 7E9DD000 Current bottom of ELSQA/SWA         
+      |                     |                                                  
+      |      Available      | >-----------      0K Avail. for ELSQA/SWA only   
+      |                     |                                                  
+      |---------------------| <== 7E9DCFFF Extended User Area Limit            
+      |                     |                                                  
+      |      Available      | >-----------   1498M Avail. for ELSQA/SWA/USER   
+      |                     |                                                  
+      |---------------------| <== 20F46FFF Current top of Ext. User Area       
+      | /////////////////// |                  24K Largest free block          
+      | //// User Area //// | >-----------     28K Extended User unallocated   
+      | /////////////////// |                  22K Fragmented free space       
+      |---------------------| <== 20D00000 Bottom of Extended Private          
+      |                     |                                                  
+      ===== 16 Meg Line ===== <== 00FFFFFF Highest 24-bit address              
+      |                     |                                                  
+      |---------------------| <== 008FFFFF Top of Private                      
+      | /////////////////// |                                                  
+      | /// System Area /// | >-----------      4K LSQA/SWA unallocated        
+      | /////////////////// |                  78K Fragmented free space       
+      |---------------------| <== 008AE000 Current bottom of LSQA/SWA          
+      |                     |             (Below User Area Limit)              
+      |      Available      | >-----------      0K Avail. for LSQA/SWA only    
+      |                     |                                                  
+      |---------------------| <== 008ADFFF User Area Limit(Was 008FFFFF)       
+      |                     |                                                 
+      |      Available      | >-----------   8780K Avail. for LSQA/SWA/USER   
+      |                     |                                                 
+      |---------------------| <== 0001AFFF Current top of User Area           
+      | /////////////////// |                  24K Largest free block         
+      | //// User Area //// | >-----------     24K User unallocated           
+      | /////////////////// |                   7K Fragmented free space      
+      |---------------------| <== 00006000 Bottom of Private                  
+      |                     |                                                 
+      === Absolute Bottom === <== 00000000 Prefixed Storage Area              

This panel requires special authorization because its use causes additional system overhead to collect the necessary data. Type /PWD on the top line of the panel, enter a valid password when requested, then press Enter. Thereafter, OMEGAMON® for Db2 PE displays the requested information.


For additional information about
  • related topics, select one of the options at the top of the panel.
  • other topics, use the PF keys.


The name of the job running in this address space. (In this case, DA41MSTR.)
The address space identification number.
collected at
The time at which OMEGAMON for Db2 PE collected the information for this virtual storage map.
System Area (extended)
The size of the system area in the extended private area.
Available (extended)
The amount of extended private area available for use. The boundary between the extended private area available for the user and the extended private area for the system is labeled Extended User Area Limit on the map.
User area (extended)
The size of the user area in the extended private area.
System Area (private)
The size of the system area in the private area.
Available (private)
The amount of private area available for use. The boundary between the private area available for the user and the private area for the system is labeled User Area Limit on the map.
User area (private)
The size of the user area in the private area.