Thread History Distributed Activity

This panel displays distributed SQL statistics for each remote Db2 location with which the thread has communicated either as a requestor or server.

________________ ZHTRSUM  VTM     O2       V550.#P SC12 07/13/16 16:18:49   2  
> Help PF1               Back PF3               Up PF7                 Down PF8 
>          THREAD HISTORY:  Enter a selection letter on the top line.           
> K-PACKAGE SUMMARY L-RES LIMIT    M-PARALLEL TASKS                             
>                     THREAD HISTORY DISTRIBUTED ACTIVITY                       
+ Thread:  Plan=DSNESPCS  Connid=TSO      Corrid=MIS          Authid=MIS        
+ Attach:  TSO            DB2=SC12        MVS=OMP6                              
+ Dist  :  Type=DISTRIBUTED ALLIED, Luwid=DEIBMIPS.IPUAQC12.D1093703189A        
+ Time  :  Start=07/13/2016 14:02:05.770338     End=07/13/2016 15:49:31.337245  
+                        Distributed TCP/IP Data                                
+ Workstation Name: TSO                                                         
+ Transaction Name: MIS                                                         
+ TCP/IP Userid:    MIS                                                         
+                         Distributed SQL Statistics                            
+ Remote Location Name   = OMPDA5         Remote Product ID      = DSN10015     
+ Protocol Used        = SYSTEM           Conversations Queued   =            0 
+                                         Conv Deallocated       =            0 
+ Indoubt/Remote       =            0                                           
+ Dist Local Elapsed   = 00:00:00.017                                           
+                  SQL     Row Message     Byte  Commit   Abort    Conv  Blocks 
+              ------- ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 
+ Sent               2       0       5     1147       0       1       1       0 
+ Recv               0       1       5      954       0       0       0       1 
+ Remote Location Name   = OMPDC61        Remote Product ID      = DSN12015     
+ Protocol Used        = SYSTEM           Conversations Queued   =            0 
+                                         Conv Deallocated       =            0 
+ Indoubt/Remote       =            0                                           
+ Dist Local Elapsed   = 00:00:00.008                                           
+                  SQL     Row Message     Byte  Commit   Abort    Conv  Blocks 
+              ------- ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 
+ Sent               2       0       5     1153       0       1       1       0 
+ Recv               0       1       5      957       0       0       0       1 
+ Remote Location Name   = ALL LOCATIONS                                        
+ Protocol Used        = SYSTEM           Conversations Queued   =            0 
+                                         Conv Deallocated       =            0 
+ Indoubt/Remote       =            0                                           
+ Dist Local Elapsed   = 00:00:00.026                                           
+                  SQL     Row Message     Byte  Commit   Abort    Conv  Blocks 
+              ------- ------- ------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 
+ Sent               4       0      10     2300       0       2       2       0 
+ Recv               0       2      10     1911       0       0       0       2 


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  • Related topics, choose one of the options at the top of the panel.
  • Other topics, use the PF keys.


Thread identifier:
The Db2 plan name of the thread.
The Db2 connection identifier of the thread.
The Db2 correlation identifier of the thread.
The Db2 authorization identifier of the thread.
Attachment identifier:
Connection Type
The connection type is displayed in the first field:
Application directed access (database access threads)
Other Db2 batch threads
Db2 call attach
CICS attach
DL/I batch
IMS attach BMP
IMS attach MPP
IMS control region
IMS transaction BMP
Recoverable Resource Manager Services Attachment Facility
TSO foreground and background
Utility thread
The Db2 subsystem identifier.
The MVS system identifier.
The original (primary) Db2 authorization identifier of the thread. This field displays only when the original identifier is different from the Authid.
Distributed thread identifier: The following fields are displayed when the thread has a distributed relationship with a remote Db2 subsystem.
The distributed thread type.
Distributed Allied
A requesting thread; one that has issued an SQL call to a remote Db2 location.
Database Access
A server thread; one that has received and is serving an SQL request from a remote Db2 location.
This value consists of two parts: the logical unit of work ID (luw-id) and a token. The token can be used in place of the luw-id in any Db2 command that accepts luw-id as input. Format:


The luw-id consists of the network name, the originating VTAM® LUNAME, and a unique identifier (separated by periods). Thus, the Luwid field displays data such as the following:

Time identifier:
The start date and time of this thread execution.
The end date and time of this thread execution.
Distributed TCP/IP Data: If no TCP/IP data is available, N/A is displayed.
Workstation Name
The end user's workstation name.
Transaction Name
The transaction or application name that the end user is running.
TCP/IP Userid
The end user's user ID.
Distributed SQL Statistics:
Remote Location Name
The name of the remote location with which the local Db2 communicated. The statistics in this panel pertain to the remote location.
Remote Product ID
The product identifier of the Db2 remote location. The format is: PPPVVRRM where PPP is the product identifier, VV is the version number, RR is the release number, and M is the modification level.
Protocol Used
The distributed protocol used to communicate with the remote server. Possible values are APPLICATION for application directed access or SYSTEM for system directed access.

This field is blank if you are monitoring a database access thread.

Conversations Queued
The number of conversations that were queued by DDF.
Conv Deallocated
The number of conversations deallocated.
Dist Local Elapsed
The time spent waiting for a response to a remote SQL request (includes remote Db2 processing time, VTAM processing time, and network time). This field is displayed only for distributed allied threads.
SQL Sent/Recv
The number of SQL calls sent to the location and number of SQL calls received from the location.
Row Sent/Recv
The number of rows sent to the location and number of rows received from the location.
Message Sent/Recv
The number of VTAM messages sent to the location and number of VTAM messages received from the location.
Byte Sent/Recv
The number of bytes sent to the location and number of bytes received from the location.
Commit Sent/Recv
The number of Commits sent to the location and number of commits received from the location.
Abort Sent/Recv
The number of aborts sent to the location and number of aborts received from the location.
Conv Sent/Recv
The number of conversations initiated from this location to the remote location and the number of conversations initiated from the remote location to this location.
Blocks Sent/Recv
The number of blocks sent to the location and number of blocks received from the location if using block mode.
The following field values are displayed only for 2-PHASE COMMIT:
Prepare Sent/Recv
The number of Prepare requests sent to the participant and number of requests received from the coordinator.
Last Agent Sent/Recv
The number of last agent requests sent to the coordinator and number of requests received from the initiator.
Commit Sent/Recv
The number of committed requests sent to the participant and number of requests received from the initiator.
Backout Sent/Recv
The number of backout requests sent to the participant and number of requests received from the coordinator.
Forget Sent/Recv
The number of forget requests sent to the participant and number of requests received from the coordinator.
Commit Resp Sent/Recv
The number of commit responses sent to the participant and number of requests received from the coordinator.
Backout Resp Sent/Recv
The number of backout responses sent to the participant and number of requests received from the coordinator.