Near-Term Thread History Filter Options

Use this panel to specify the reporting period for which you want to view near-term thread history information, the intervals into which the report is divided, and filter options that restrict the data that is displayed on subsequent thread history panels.

________________ ZHAFL    VTM     O2       V550.#P SE12 11/06/13 12:03:53   2  
>       Help PF1                                               Back PF3         
> H.B                                                                           
>     Specify filter options then press ENTER to continue                       
>                     NEAR-TERM THREAD HISTORY FILTER OPTIONS                   
+ Time of oldest available record:   10/03/2013  16:31:00.003126                
+ Time of latest record:             11/06/2013  11:54:56.428849                
+ Total number of records:                 5426                                 
:   START-DATE/TIME =  __________  _____     (mm/dd/yyyy or, hh:mm)  
:   END-DATE/TIME   =  __________  _____     (mm/dd/yyyy or, hh:mm)  
:   RELATIVE-START  =    1 HOUR   ago        (1-nn, MINS or HOURS)              
:   RELATIVE-END    =  ___ _____  from start (1-nn, MINS or HOURS)              
:   REPORT-INTERVAL =   15 minutes           ( 1-60 mins, in  1 min increments) 
+ Specify the values to be used to filter the Thread History displays. Wildcard 
+ values * (multiple characters) or ? (single character) can be specified.      
+           The values to be used to filter at interval display level           
:   PLAN            =  ________   ________   ________   ________   ________     
:   AUTHID          =  ________   ________   ________   ________   ________     
:   CONNID          =  ________   ________   ________   ________   ________     
:   CONNTYPE        =  ________   ________   ________   ________   ________     
+      The values to be used to filter only at thread detail display level      
:   PACKAGE         =  ________   ________   ________   ________   ________     
:   CORRID          =  ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________   
:   GETPAGES        >  __________                                               
:   DEADLK/TIMEOUT  >  __________                                               
:   LOCK-ESCAL      >  __________                                               
:   COMMIT          >  __________                                               
:   DB2-CPU-TIME    >  _____________         ( seconds )                        
:   DB2-ELAP-TIME   >  _____________         ( seconds )                        
:   IO-WAIT-TIME    >  _____________         ( seconds )                        


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Information about available data:
Time of oldest available record
Displays the earliest time that thread data was collected to active data sets. Displays N/A if no thread data is collected.

This is either the time stamp of the first IFCID 3 record or, if detail is not being collected, the oldest near-term thread summary record.

Time of latest record
Displays the most recent time that thread data was collected to active data sets. Displays N/A if no thread data is collected.

This is either the time stamp of the last IFCID 3 record or, if detail is not being collected, the last near-term thread summary record.

Total number of records
Displays the number of thread records (IFCID 3) that are collected to active data sets. Displays 0 if no detail thread records are collected.
Filter options limiting the time: Specify an absolute or relative time range of at most 24 hours for the reporting period for which you want to view near-term thread history information. The specified time range should be within the range of collected data.
Specify an absolute start date and time. START-DATE/TIME and RELATIVE-START are mutually exclusive.
You can specify the date and time in U.S., European, or ISO format.
  • mm/dd/yyyy (U.S.)
  • (European)
  • yyyy-mm-dd (ISO)
  • hh:mm (U.S.)
  • (European, ISO)
Specify an absolute end date and time. END-DATE/TIME and RELATIVE-END are mutually exclusive.
You can specify the date and time in U.S., European, or ISO format.
  • mm/dd/yyyy (U.S.)
  • (European)
  • yyyy-mm-dd (ISO)
  • hh:mm (U.S.)
  • (European, ISO)
Specify a start time relative to the current time, as the number of minutes or hours before the current time. The default value is one hour. RELATIVE-START and START-DATE/TIME are mutually exclusive.
Specify an end time relative to the specified start time, as the number of minutes or hours after START-DATE/TIME or RELATIVE-START. RELATIVE-END and END-DATE/TIME are mutually exclusive.
Specify a report interval by which the report period is partitioned, from 5 to 60 minutes, in five minute increments. The value must be some multiple of the Near-Term History Data Collector summary record write frequency.
Filter options to be used at interval display level: You can use these options to filter near-term history data at thread summary (interval) display level.
You can specify up to five plan names that you want to be displayed on subsequent thread history panels. You can enter multiple values including wildcards. You can compare values using the equal (=) or not equal (^=, <>) comparison operators. Use the equal operator to OR multiple values. Use the not equal operator to AND multiple values.
You can specify up to five authorization ids that you want to be displayed on subsequent thread history panels. You can enter multiple values including wildcards. You can compare values using the equal (=) or not equal (^=, <>) comparison operators. Use the equal operator to OR multiple values. Use the not equal operator to AND multiple values.
You can specify up to five connection ids that you want to be displayed on subsequent thread history panels. You can enter multiple values including wildcards. You can compare values using the equal (=) or not equal (^=, <>) comparison operators. Use the equal operator to OR multiple values. Use the not equal operator to AND multiple values.
You can specify up to five connection types that you want to be displayed on subsequent thread history panels.
Db2 call attach (QWHCDB2C)
Db2 call attach (QWHCDB2C)
Database access threads (equivalent to the DRDA connection type)
IMS control region (QWHCICTL)
IMS transaction BMP (QWHCTBMP)
TSO foreground and background (QWHCTSO)
Filter options to be used only at thread detail display level: You can use these options to filter near-term history data at thread detail display level.
You can specify up to five package ids that you want to be displayed on subsequent thread history panels. You can enter multiple values including wildcards. You can compare values using the equal (=) or not equal (^=, <>) comparison operators. Use the equal operator to OR multiple values. Use the not equal operator to AND multiple values.
You can specify up to five correlation ids that you want to be displayed on subsequent thread history panels. You can enter multiple values including wildcards. You can compare values using the equal (=) or not equal (^=, <>) comparison operators. Use the equal operator to OR multiple values. Use the not equal operator to AND multiple values.
Specify the minimum number of Getpage requests that you want to be displayed on subsequent thread history panels. You can compare values using the equal (=) or not equal (^=, <>) comparison operators. Use the equal operator to OR multiple values. Use the not equal operator to AND multiple values.
Specify the minimum number of deadlocks and lock timeouts that you want to be displayed on subsequent thread history panels. You can compare values using the equal (=) or not equal (^=, <>) comparison operators. Use the equal operator to OR multiple values. Use the not equal operator to AND multiple values.
Specify the minimum number of lock escalations that you want to be displayed on subsequent thread history panels. You can compare values using the equal (=) or not equal (^=, <>) comparison operators. Use the equal operator to OR multiple values. Use the not equal operator to AND multiple values.
Specify the minimum number of commits that you want to be displayed on subsequent thread history panels. You can compare values using the equal (=) or not equal (^=, <>) comparison operators. Use the equal operator to OR multiple values. Use the not equal operator to AND multiple values.
Specify the minimum amount of Db2 processor time that you want to be displayed on subsequent thread history panels. You can compare values using the equal (=) or not equal (^=, <>) comparison operators. Use the equal operator to OR multiple values. Use the not equal operator to AND multiple values.
Specify the minimum amount of Db2 elapsed timethat you want to be displayed on subsequent thread history panels. You can compare values using the equal (=) or not equal (^=, <>) comparison operators. Use the equal operator to OR multiple values. Use the not equal operator to AND multiple values.
Specify the minimum amount of I/O wait time that you want to be displayed on subsequent thread history panels. You can compare values using the equal (=) or not equal (^=, <>) comparison operators. Use the equal operator to OR multiple values. Use the not equal operator to AND multiple values.