Class 2 CPU time per SQL DML statement execution
Class 2 CPU time per SQL DML statement execution time helps to identify potential access path problems.
The time taken for an SQL DML statement to complete depends on
the speed of your processor. Typically, for a 100 MIPS CPU, a DML
statement should complete in less than one millisecond. Because some
DML statements take more cycles to complete than others, the statements
are weighted as follows: SELECT+INSERT+UPDATE+OPEN+(FETCH
* 0.1)+(PREPARE * 5)
If you find that your SQL statement time is averaging well over the one millisecond, you can use the Workstation Online Monitor to identify the problem statements and use the drill-down capability to view these at statement level. If you suspect an access path problem, you can use the Query Workload Tuner to show the access path selected.