Starting exception processing when the OMEGAMON Collector is started

When the OMEGAMON® Collector is started, its startup parameters determine whether exception events are to be processed.

Depending on which exception events are specified, the appropriate traces are started. If an Exception Threshold data set with exception criteria is already available, it can be specified in the OMEGAMON Collector startup parameters. By using this method, exception processing automatically starts with predefined exception thresholds whenever the OMEGAMON Collector is started.

For more information about the Exception Threshold data set, a sample data set provided with the product, its data set attributes, and how its content can be modified, see the Reporting User's Guide.

For more information about OMEGAMON Collector startup parameters, see the topic about configuring OMEGAMON Collector for exception processing in Monitoring Performance from the OMEGAMON Classic Interface. The EVENTOBSERVATION startup parameter determines the events, and the AUTOEXCPTHNAME startup parameter specifies the name of the Exception Threshold data set that is to be used at startup.

If this method for starting exception processing is used, and if the content of the Exception Threshold data set is modified while the OMEGAMON Collector is running, remember to refresh the environment to ensure that the new exception criteria is recognized.

For more information, see How to restart exception processing (REINIT command).