Viewing Statistics on a data sharing group

When you request Statistics information about a member of a data sharing group, the Statistics Details window shows the member name in the Show Data for list and displays the Statistics information for this member.

When you select the group from the Show Data for list, the entries in the folders pane are reduced to those available in group view. The performance counters are displayed in tabular format, with a column for each active member of the data sharing group.

In member view, part of the Statistics information is already displayed in tabular format, such as the information about the Buffer Management pane. When you view this pane for the entire group, the Buffer Management pane shows the values for the most important buffer-pool performance counter, which is the hit ratio, for each buffer pool and member in the data sharing group. The counter name is displayed above the buffer-pool table.

Thus, when Statistics information is shown in tabular format in member view and you want to view this information in group view, OMEGAMON for Db2® Performance Expert selects the most important performance counter in the table and displays its values for the entire group.