Describe a Profile

This panel allows you to add a one-line description to a profile.

________________ ZDESC    VTM     O2       V550.#P DA41 11/06/13 11:27:58   2  
>       Help PF1                                               Back PF3         
> P.D                                                                           
>                           DESCRIBE A PROFILE                                  
> To add a description to this profile, type the description between the single 
> quotes that follow the colon on the last line.  Press ENTER to record the     
> change.  To save the description with this profile, select SAVE USER or SAVE  
> INSTALL from the Profile Maintenance Menu.                                    
 PPRF COMMENT                                                                   
:      'USER PROFILE            '                                               


For additional information about other topics, use the PF keys.


Adds a 1-line description to the current profile.

You must save the description in a profile for it will be displayed on the List Profiles panel. To save a description in a user profile, use the Save New/Altered User Profile panel. To save a description with the installation profile, use the Save New/Altered Installation panel.