Authorizations required to use Explain
To explain an SQL statement, you need Db2® EXECUTE privilege on the OMEGAMON® for Db2 PE Explain plan defined at installation. The name of this plan is KO2EXPL.
- Explain an entry in a plan table.
You require Db2 SELECT privilege on the PLAN_TABLE.
- Explain an SQL statement from a previously bound plan or package.
You require Db2 SELECT privilege on the plan or package owner’s PLAN_TABLE. If you do not have the privilege, a dynamic Explain of the statement is performed if you have UPDATE privilege on your own PLAN_TABLE.
- Explain an SQL statement entered in the panel.
You require Db2 UPDATE privilege on your own PLAN_TABLE.
- Explain an SQL statement from a Thread Activity window.
You require Db2 SELECT privilege on the plan or package owner’s PLAN_TABLE. If you do not have the privilege, a dynamic Explain of the statement is performed if you have UPDATE privilege on your own PLAN_TABLE.
- CREATE or ALTER a plan table.
You require a minimum of CREATETAB authority on the database that the PLAN_TABLE is created in, or ALTER authority to modify the PLAN_TABLE.