OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert identifiers

The identifiers describe the objects OMEGAMON for Db2 PE reports on.

The most commonly used OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert identifiers describe:
  • The location

    The LOCATION identifier is the name of the Db2 subsystem. If the input data contains data from several locations, you can include data only for those locations that you are interested in.

  • The user

    OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert uses two identifiers for the user ID. The first is the value of the authorization ID at the time of connection to Db2 (ORIGAUTH). The second is the authorization ID set at signon or identify (PRIMAUTH). For more information, see Comparing original authorization IDs with primary authorization IDs.

    For SQL requests from a client, the user ID of the user at the workstation is a possible identifier as well.

  • The plan

    Use the PLANNAME identifier to select specific plans. Examples of plan names are DSNUTIL for utility, DSNBIND for bind activity, and the application plan name for CICS® and IMS.

  • The package

    Use the PACKAGE or MAINPACK identifiers to select plans and packages in the Accounting report set. Use PACKAGE to define specific packages, regardless of the plan to which they belong. Use MAINPACK to define plans that contain a specific package. For more information, see Defining the MAINPACK identifier.

  • The connection to Db2

    You can select data for specific connections to Db2.

    The connection ID (CONNECT) identifies the address space that interfaces with Db2. It can be, for example, the CICS or IMS ID.

    The connection type (CONNTYPE) identifies the type of connection for a thread. It can be, for example, CICS, IMS-BMP, IMS-MPP, IMS-CNTL, or IMS-TBMP.

  • The correlation data

    The correlation identifier identifies the Db2 task together with the connection ID. It is composed of two parts: the correlation name (CORRNAME) and the correlation number (CORRNMBR). This identifier can be very useful. For example, for CICS threads the correlation identifier contains the transaction ID. For more information, see Correlation ID translation.

  • Distributed activity

    If you report data for distributed processing, you can select the locations that request the work (REQLOC) and the type of the threads (THREADTYPE) to be included, for example allied threads or DBATs.

    In addition, the following identifiers of a client are supported to include or exclude related data:
    • The end user’s user ID at the workstation (ENDUSER)
    • The end user’s transaction name at the workstation (TRANSACT)
    • The end user’s workstation name (WSNAME)