Comparison of Accounting report types based on the above sample workload
The report layout depends on the OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert subcommand option of ORDER specified for producing an Accounting report.
If the Db2 subsystem parameter ACCUMACC is used, the report layout provided with Db2 10 differs from the report layout provided with a Db2 version prior to Db2 10.
Each report is based on the sample workload in Table 1.
The following
report is a typical Accounting report ordered by various identifiers
on plan level with their packages underneath. It is produced if you
specify, for example, ORDER (PLANNAME):
Plan A occurrences=4
Pack SP-A occurrences=4
Pack PKG1 occurrences=3
Pack PKG2 occurrences=3
Pack PKG3 occurrences=1
Plan B occurrences=2
Pack SP-B occurrences=2
Pack PKG1 occurrences=1
Subcommand ORDER (PACKAGE)
The following
sample shows a report:
- Ordered by package
- Average for each package
- Average cross plan
- Occurrences are equal to the number of package sections found in all plans
Pack SP-A occurrences=4
Pack PKG1 occurrences=4
Pack PKG2 occurrences=3
Pack PKG3 occurrences=1
Pack SP-B occurrences=2
Subcommand ORDER (ACTNAME) with IFCID 233 or 380 available for each stored procedure
The following
sample shows a report:
- Ordered by activity name
- Average for each SP
- Includes all processing subprograms under SP
- Occurrences are equal to the number of SP calls
The following Accounting report is ordered
by activity name (stored procedure) where all activities (subprograms)
underneath the stored procedure are included in the SP average values.
It is produced if you specify ORDER (ACTNAME) and your input trace
data includes IFCID 233 or 380 for each SP:
Activity Name ACTNAME_A occurrences=4
Activity Name ACTNAME_B occurrences=2
Note: Explanation for the above sample:
- Under SP-A with the activity name ACTNAME_A the average execution of SP-A is shown which includes all PKG1, PKG2, and PKG3 workloads associated with this stored procedure.
- Under SP-B with the activity name ACTNAME_B the average execution of SP-B is shown which includes all PKG1 workloads associated with this stored procedure.
Subcommand ORDER (ACTNAME) without IFCID 233 or 380 in a Db2 trace
The following sample shows a report:
- Ordered by activity name
- Average for each SP
- Includes all processing under SP
- Occurrences are equal to the number of package sections, including SP as a package
The following Accounting report is ordered
by activity name (stored procedure) where all activities (subprograms)
underneath the SP are included. The average values shown represent
the aggregation of all packages including SPs executed within an SP.
However, all subprograms are counted as separate occurrences because
no IFCID 233 or 380 were found by the reporting program:
Activity Name Pack ACTNAME_A occurrences=11
Activity Name Pack ACTNAME_B occurrences=3
Note: Explanation for the above sample:
- Under SP-A with the activity name ACTNAME_A the average of the aggregation for each package section executed under SP-A (ACTNAME_A, PKG1, PKG2, PKG3) is shown.
- Under SP-B with the activity name ACTNAME_B the average of the aggregation for each package section executed under SP-B (ACTNAME_B and PKG1) is shown.