VSAM Trace Entry Detail

This panel shows information about the status of the selected trace and a summary of the application (Db2 thread) information that is collected.

The information includes counts of the number of records that are collected and lost. If the counts of records that are lost are not zeros, it indicates that the rate at which Db2 generates the records is too fast for the capture facility. In this case, you should specify more selection criteria to restrict the data.

 ________________ ZATVB    VTM     O2       V550./C DA31 06/28/13  0:07:45   2  
>       Help PF1      Back PF3      Up PF7      Down PF8                        
>                   QUEUED APPLICATION TRACE DETAILS                            
+ Queued Request Owner   = WDRI          Type                      = Immediate  
+ Trace Status           = ACTIVE        Trace Time Remaining      = 00:29:27   
+ Trace Start Time       = 00:07:12      Trace Start Date          = 06/28/2013 
+ Trace End Time         = 00:00:00      Trace End Date            = 00/00/0000 
+ Trace Time Limit       = 00:30:00                                             
+ DSN                    = WDRI.V510BETA.DS4.ATF                                
+ Trace records captured =     318       Trace records lost        =       0    
+ UOW records captured   =       2       UOW records lost          =       0    
+ Trace Request Information :                                                   
+ PLANNAME   = WAYNEPLN                                                         
:  STATSQL= N                                                                   
+ HOSTVARS= N                                                                   
+              Trace data is being captured to dataset.                         
+              Please view trace from dataset using option B                    


For additional information about:
  • Managing the trace output, select one of the options at the top of the panel.
  • Other topics, use the PF keys.


Queued Request Owner
This field displays the USERID that is used to log on to OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert or the VTAM® Terminal ID that the request is issued from if external security is disabled for the OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert server.
This field identifies the type of queued request. Valid values:
This request is queued for execution. The queue is processed
This request is scheduled to be executed at a particular time.
Trace Status
The following trace information is available:
The VSAM dataset used for this trace has been overwritten by > a subsequent trace, so the trace data cannot be confirmed.
The trace is terminated due to ABEND.
The trace is still collecting data.
The time that is specified in the trace request elapsed and the application trace collection terminated.
The VSAM data set that is used for storing the trace data is full.
Trace Time Remaining
The time remaining if the trace is still active. If the trace is inactive, this field contains zero.
Trace Start Time
The time the trace started.
Trace Start Date
The date the trace started.
Trace End Time
The time the trace ended.
Trace End Date
The date the trace ended.
Trace Time Limit
The trace time limit that is specified when the trace is started.
The specified name of the data set that holds data to be captured.
Trace records captured
The number of records that are captured.
Trace records lost
The number of trace records that are lost.
If a nonzero value is displayed in this field, Db2 generated trace records too fast for the capture facility. You can use trace criteria to limit the amount of data to be captured.
UOW records captured
The number of Unit of Work (UOW) records that are captured.
UOW records lost
The number of UOW records that are lost.
If a nonzero value is displayed in this field, Db2 generated UOW records too fast for the capture facility. You can use trace criteria to limit the amount of data to be captured.